Salzburg: “Theological Prize” awarded to Hans-Joachim Horn

2024-07-31 19:15:43

Subtitle: “Salzburg University Week” attracts Cologne theologians and
Life’s work of religious philosopher – praiser
Schmitt: Horn pursues “a theology in time” – Horn:
In Defense of “Aphoristic Theology” =

Salzburg (KAP) – German theologian and religious philosopher Prof.
Hans-Joachim Höhn wins the Salzburg “Theological Prize”
University Week honors for his life’s work. Horn
Prizes worth €5,000 were received on Wednesday evening
Salzburg. Horn is “one of the most influential voices of our time”
Catholic theology” and “a person dedicated to the promotion of Catholic theology.”
Jury statement calls ‘reasonable words from God’
University Week Chairman Professor Martin Dürnberger at the award ceremony
Wednesday evening in the Great Hall of the University of Salzburg

His work is “analytically sharp and prose”
easy” which brings about the “reason to communicate in a groping manner
Trusting God in dialogue” and leading with confidence through sociology”
Current discourse as well as traditional themes,”
The jury continues. “In short: Anyone who wants to know how theological questions arise
The height to which time and reason can be addressed is
Horn’s writings are always well preserved.

Those attending the ceremony included Archbishop Franz Lackner;
Archabbot Korbinian Birnbacher (St. Peter), Abbot Theodor Hausmann (Monastery)
St. Stephan, Abbot Johannes Peckmann (Michaelbeuern Abbey), Abbot of Alt Abbey
Jeremias Schröder (Fort St. George) and Archabbot Wolfgang Öxler
(St. Ottilien Archabbey) and political representatives
and society. This year the award is presented by the Benedictine Monastery of St. Petersburg.
George Berg donated.

Schmidt: Horn pursues ‘timely theology’

Professor Horn, a religious philosopher from Frankfurt, delivered a speech praising Horn.
Thomas M. Schmidt. Schmidt, one long and one long, until union
His friendship with Horn dates back to his school days
The winner is a brilliant thinker who always cares…
synthesis of theology and philosophy, therefore
Generations of students have become role models and role models for everyone
If you want to boil down Horn’s work to one common denominator.
Bring, this is his struggle for a “timely theology”
Yes,” Schmidt said, referring to the publication of the same name
Horns from the 1990s.

Höhn has been working efficiently since the 1980s
Jürgen Habermas’s writings on communicative behavior. similar
Both of them have their own views on the relationship between etiquette and etiquette.
The meaning of a sacramental or ritual practice. If Horn this
This is the practice of what I call the “rational reasonable other.”
Completely in the style of Habermas’s last great work
I also studied “History of Philosophy”. So just do it
In his work, Horn always “explains the problem to those who believe”
Reasoning and reasoning about matters of faith
representative,” Schmidt said.

Horn: In defense of “aphoristic theology”

Horn outlined key points in his acknowledgments
“Aphoristic Theology.” Contemporary lectures about God are unnecessary
Merely provocative, but in form an aphorism
“Simple and interesting”. After all, this is language
Theology’s “most important tool”—and it appears accordingly
Every word. This has to sit down, irritate, irritate
and may also contain humorous reflections.

Höhn shows through numerous examples what he is currently interested in
Upcoming publications: Find new ones,
concise form of theological language, the two opposites
“Contempt of a statement of faith” and objection to one
Continue to be dogmatic. Motto suitable for “religion”
“Burst the speech bubble” – for example, follow the following person’s speech
What questions should be used to refute “kneeling theology”?
If the knee becomes a thinking organ, it will appear: “First
“Kneel down and put your head down” is one example.
Led by Horn.

Anything that doesn’t fit into a short text “isn’t even worth mentioning”,
said the theologian firmly. when the sentence comes from
If “almost no one accepts God” then one must act like one
Become a “lexicon digger” and “find poetic claims”
God’s Word,” Horn concluded. “God has his say,
If we fight for it.


Hans-Joachim Höhn was born in 1957 in Nomborn/Westerwald. he
Studied philosophy and theology in Frankfurt (St. George),
Rome (Gregolina). In 1984, he received his PhD from the University of Freiburg.
In 1989 he qualified as a professor at the University of Bonn. From 1991 to
In 2023, he served as Systematic Theology and
Philosophy of Religion, University of Cologne. Horn has more
Published 20 monographs. Recently published his work “In God’s”
ear. “On the Art of Poetic Speech About God” (2022)

This year’s University Week is themed around trust

The overarching theme of this year’s University Week is ‘Fragility’
believe. About precious resources”. Speakers include:
Climate researcher Helga Kromp-Kolb (Vienna), Protestant theologian
Thorsten Dietz (Marburg/Zurich), philosopher Martin Hartmann
(Lucerne), peace researcher Martina Fisher (Berlin),
Political scientists Kathrin Stainer-Hämmerle (Villach) and
Jesuit Andreas R. Batlogg (Munich). spiritual preacher
This year’s University Week support project is Rector
Anima in Rome, final keynote address by Michael Marks.
Sociologist Jutta Allmendinger will host University Week on August 4th.

Salzburg University Week is the most famous,
The most traditional summer university in the German-speaking region and
Attracts hundreds of students and interested parties every year
“Smart Summer” includes lectures, seminars and discussions.

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#Salzburg #Theological #Prize #awarded #HansJoachim #Horn



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