On Thursday followingnoon, a car driver in the city of Salzburg overlooked a pedestrian who was injured following the collision and taken to the accident hospital, reports the Salzburg police.
On Thursday around 3.30 p.m. in Salzburg at the Alpenstrasse/Ginzkeyplatz intersection, there was a collision between a driver and a pedestrian. Coming from Ginzkeyplatz, an 86-year-old car driver turned right into Alpenstrasse when the traffic light went green. In doing so, he overlooked a 24-year-old pedestrian who was also crossing the Alpenstraße on a protective path when the light was green.
On the protection path, there was a collision between the car and the pedestrian, which caused her to fall and injure her hip and forearm. Alcohol tests were negative for both participants. The injured pedestrian received first aid on site from the Red Cross and was then taken to the accident hospital for further treatment, the police reported.