Salud Total EPS was the object of an external computer attack – Health

On Sunday, May 1, the technological platform of Salud Total EPS was the object of an external computer attackwhich has produced an unavailability in part of the information consigned in the system.

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Consequently, the entity proceeded to disable the affected computer services, as well as the connections with the physical and virtual servers, with the main objective of safeguarding the information and establishing the current status of the affected applications.

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Since Monday, the EPS has been deploying all preventive and reactive actions
aimed at restoring the affected applications as soon as possible.

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This contingency plan includes enhanced care 24/7 in the Total Line
of each city and the extension of the face-to-face service hours in the health solutions centers
which, according to the entity, will be able to resolve the requirements of the users from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm on a continuous day.

The virtual service channels that were deactivated due to the contingency are the Virtual Office, Point of Attention at Home, Mobile Application, WhatsApp COVID-19 and Pablo, virtual advisor.

Regarding the provision of medical services, the EPS has been guaranteeing the
care, delivery of medicines, performance of laboratories, among others, through its service provision network and emergencies without affecting the user’s care.

In the same way, criminal actions will be carried out at the request of the
Attorney General of the Nation for what happened.

(Also read: Covid-19 tests are urgently needed to face future waves, says WHO)

Salud Total EPS, announced to its more than 4.7 million members that they are making all human and technological efforts to recover virtual care on their channels.

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