Saltara Femicide Trial: Suspect Staying Silent, Focuses on Children’s Well-Being

He availed himself of the right to remain silent to the investigating judge, this morning at the hearing to validate the arrest before the investigating judge of Pesaro Giacomo Gasparini, Ezio Di Livrano, the 54-year-old from Brindisi, arrested for the aggravated murder of his wife, Ana Cristina Duarte, 38, committed in front of their three young children on the night between Friday and Saturday in Saltara in the municipality of Colli al Metauroo. The public prosecutor Irene Lilliu contests the man’s charge of murder aggravated by the marital relationship with the victim and by previous mistreatment of her. The couple’s three children, who were immediately entrusted to their grandparents, are now hosted in a family home. “He is worried about his children, very tired. He is desperate, he is realizing what happened and what awaits him”, said the lawyer Gaia Vergari after the validation hearing in which the judge confirmed the prison custody for Di Livrano. The lawyer had taken on the 54-year-old’s official defense, but in these hours she is appointing a trusted lawyer. She still has no explanation for the reasons for the murder other than the fact that “the relationship between the husband and wife was not good, there was jealousy that certainly does not justify the act. The economic condition of the family was not good, but I have not verified”.
Di Livriano killed Ana Cristina Duarte, stabbing her in the abdomen; The two had married in 2010: in the days preceding the tragedy, the woman had left their home tired of the constant violence that her husband reserved for her. For her, the Pesaro Prosecutor’s Office had triggered the ‘red code’ that protects victims who do not want protection: the 38-year-old had not wanted to report her husband despite the insistence of the Carabinieri who had listened to her after she ran away from home. On the night of the last fight, she had returned home, without notifying the police, perhaps to take her children, aged 6, 12 and 14, with her, who instead had to witness their mother’s death.

What are the legal implications for Ezio Di⁣ Levrano following the murder ‍of Ana ⁤Cristina Correia Duarte?

Tragic Femminicidio in Saltara: Ana Cristina Correia Duarte Murdered by Her Husband Ezio Di‌ Levrano

In a heart-wrenching incident, ‍Ana Cristina Correia ‍Duarte, ‍a 38-year-old woman, was brutally murdered by ⁤her husband, Ezio Di Levrano, 54, in their ⁣home​ in⁢ Saltara, Pesaro, on ⁣the night of September 8, 2024 ‍ [[3]].⁣ The couple’s three young children, who witnessed the horrific incident, were immediately taken into custody‌ by⁣ their grandparents and are currently being hosted in a family ⁣home.

According‍ to reports, Di Levrano stabbed his wife multiple times ‌in the ‍abdomen, resulting⁤ in her tragic death [[1][2]]. The‍ Carabinieri arrested ⁤Di Levrano and charged him with aggravated murder, which was later confirmed by the investigating⁣ judge, Giacomo Gasparini, during ⁤the validation hearing [[1]]. The public‍ prosecutor, Irene Lilliu, has⁣ contested the charge, citing the marital relationship with⁢ the victim and previous mistreatment of​ her as aggravating factors.

During the hearing, Di Levrano exercised his right⁤ to remain silent, while his lawyer, Gaia Vergari, described him as “worried about his ‍children, very tired, and desperate”⁣ [[1]]. Vergari stated‍ that the ​relationship between the husband and ​wife was not good,‍ and there was jealousy, but it did not justify the⁢ heinous act. The economic condition of the family was also not good, but she had not verified the details.

This⁣ tragic incident ⁤is a stark reminder of the prevalence of femminicidio, or ⁤the killing of women, in our⁢ society. ⁤According to, ‌Ana Cristina Correia Duarte’s murder is ​one of the many cases of ‌femminicidio reported in ‌Italy‍ in‌ recent years[[[[[[[[[2]].

As the investigation continues, our⁢ thoughts are with the⁣ family and friends of the victim, particularly the three young children who have lost their mother in such‍ a brutal manner. We hope that‍ justice will be⁤ served,‍ and​ the perpetrator will be held accountable ‍for his ​actions.





What were the circumstances leading to the arrest of Ezio Di Livrano for the murder of his wife, Ana Cristina Correia?

Tragedy in Saltara: Ezio Di Livrano Charged with Aggravated Murder of Wife Ana Cristina Correia

In a shocking incident, 54-year-old Ezio Di Livrano from Brindisi has been arrested for the aggravated murder of his wife, Ana Cristina Correia, 38, in their home in Saltara, Pesaro[[[2]]. The brutal crime occurred in front of their three young children on the night between Friday and Saturday. The couple’s children have been taken into the care of their grandparents and are currently hosted in a family home.

During the hearing to validate the arrest before the investigating judge of Pesaro, Giacomo Gasparini, Ezio Di Livrano availed himself of the right to remain silent. The public prosecutor, Irene Lilliu, has charged Di Livrano with murder aggravated by the marital relationship with the victim and by previous mistreatment of her.

According to Di Livrano’s lawyer, Gaia Vergari, he is “worried about his children, very tired. He is desperate, he is realizing what happened and what awaits him”[[[2]]. Although the reasons behind the murder are still unclear, it is reported that the relationship between the husband and wife was not good, marked by jealousy, which does not justify the act. The economic condition of the family was also not good, but no further details have been disclosed.

This tragic incident has sent shockwaves through the community, and the investigation is ongoing. The case serves as a somber reminder of the devastating consequences of domestic violence and the importance of addressing the underlying issues that can lead to such tragedies.

Other Unrelated Incidents

In an unrelated incident, Pietro Livrano, born in 1904, has been documented in the New York State Census of 1915 and the United States Social Security Death Index [[1]]. No information is available on the circumstances surrounding his death.

Additionally, there is no connection between the Di Livrano case and the murder trial of Karina Vetrano, a jogger who was brutally killed in New York City [[3]]. The trial, which began two years after the incident, is a separate and distinct case.


The Ezio Di Livrano case is a stark reminder of the importance of addressing domestic violence and the devastating consequences it can have on families and communities. As the investigation continues, it is essential to provide support to the victims’ families and to work towards creating a society that is safe and free from violence.



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