Bollywood actor and Salman Khan’s brother-in-law Aayush Sharma said in an interview that he had told Salman Khan before marriage that I have no income.
Aayush Sharma recently revealed in an interview that before marriage, Salman Khan asked him regarding his income, and he told Salman Khan that he does not earn anything, his father sends him money to support him. happens.
Aayush Sharma said that Salman looked at his sister Arpita and said this boy is very honest, Salman said I like this boy and consider marriage ready.
During the interview, Aayush told the story of his first meeting with Salman Khan and said that one day when he went to drop off Salman’s sister Arpita at home, Salman Khan also came there suddenly. what’
Arpita’s husband said that he introduced himself to Salman Khan and in response Salman also told him his name following which he left their house, the next day Arpita told him that Salman met me and asked regarding me. Want to know more.
Ayush said that when he told Salman Khan that he wanted to be an actor, Salman said that you don’t know how to act and you have to train for it first. I was surprised how Salman Khan knew all this. .
Remember that actor Aayush Sharma and Salman Khan’s sister Arpita Khan got married in 2014 and they have two children.
#Salman #Khan #agreed
2024-04-20 22:25:36