2023-09-03 04:00:36
Let it be said: sex is an activity (and an organ) that wets. This summer, Maïa Mazaurette puts on her diving suit to introduce us to these fluids. For this last episode, we don’t spit in the soup, but we end up as an appetizer − meeting saliva.
Features : saliva, a clear liquid produced by the salivary glands, allows us to chew, swallow, speak, protect us from a good number of bacteria… and to have sexual practices outside of the sacrosanct vaginal penetration − in France, nine out of ten people have already sucked or licked their partner’s penis (FIFG, 2017).
Figure : according to the Norwegian Asmund Eikenes, author and doctor in cellular biology, “every day, the salivary glands produce up to 1.5 liters of saliva, which is more than a carton of milk! » (In Blood, sweat, saliva… The surprising mechanics of fluids (of the body) », Dunod, 2021). This brick of milk comes in two forms: resting, viscous saliva and stimulated saliva.
Delicacy: by transforming solid into liquid, saliva makes us feel the taste of food… it even makes us anticipate pleasure, hence the expression “salivate” (in front of profiteroles). We can obviously salivate metaphorically: at the prospect of an erotic rendezvous, for example.
A kiss : kissing with the tongue makes teenagers fantasize… but also experts in the transmission of bacteria. In 2012, a group of Dutch researchers, led by microbiology professor Remco Kort, collected saliva samples from twenty-one couples before and following a wet kiss lasting regarding ten seconds. Verdict of the experiment: a couple who kissed with such intensity more than nine times a day would share enough bacteria to mark their respective tongues for life. Something to make everyone understand that you don’t get rid of an ex so easily. Second result (a tad more reassuring): the saliva flowing into the stomach following such a kiss would prevent new bacteria from settling in the oral cavity and on the tongue of the two lovers.
Symbolic: sorry for those of you who have breakfast, but saliva brings us back to the infernal trio composed of drool, spittle and spit. The first two are involuntary (normally). On the drooling side, we think, of course, of childhood and the dripping baby. Adults, however, continue to drool: while sleeping, in the flowing fullness of sleep (watch out for the morning breath!). The postilion, for its part, sends us back to the world of dirt… and even of disease, as the Covid-19 has reminded us.
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#Saliva #desire #disgust