Salis, they act like anti-fascists and they want to gag us –

Christian Campigli

A pressure cooker, which while cooking, emits a uniform noise, repetitive to exhaustion. Perfect image to describe the BrontoSalis, a triad of people constantly hunting for controversy and rebuke: Ilaria Salis, her now famous parent and the leader of Avs, Nicola Fratoianni. The latest example of such a racket is from yesterday, when dad Salis bluntly accused the press of having fomented some delinquents (because that’s what they are) who would have even gone so far as to threaten his daughter with death. As if reporting what is happening was no longer allowed. The umpteenth demonstration of a left that cries out regarding the fascist danger and then tries to muzzle the press. Isn’t it true that Salis lived for a significant number of years in an occupied apartment? Yes, it’s true. And it was the Lombard teacher herself who confirmed it to us. In one of her numerous social posts. The aspect that most annoyed the keyboard warriors were the repeated theorizations on the goodness of the occupations themselves.

Salis promotes occupations, Cerno: why it is the new Soumahoro model

Salis, on more than one occasion, not only admitted to having lived in a property that was not her property, for which she had never paid rent, but she also displayed a real political manifesto. “Whoever enters an uninhabited house takes without taking anything away from anyone, except degradation, racketeering and property developers.” The Avs representative has, on several occasions, complained regarding the attention that the newspapers allegedly reserved for her. Returning to Papa Salis, it is worth remembering how our newspaper was threatened with a lawsuit. Our fault? Having explained how, thanks to the Italian government, the new icon of the left had obtained house arrest in Budapest. The headline, bless them, was not liked. And then came the criticism by the shovelful.

Meloni nails the left: Salis and the occupations? Shameful

But even the third member of BrontoSalis had less than kind words for our newspaper. Nicola Fratoianni took offense at an article, called it “disgusting” and then tried to accuse the press of investigating unpaid bills at the Testaccio headquarters. BrontoSalis, the loudest trio of grumblers in Italian politics. Meanwhile, yesterday Giorgia Meloni, who appeared on the program “A Dritto e rovescio”, broadcast on Rete Quattro, also criticized Ilaria Salis’s comments. “I consider it shameful that privileged people illegally occupy houses intended for poor people. I consider it shameful that in a state governed by the rule of law, proletarian expropriation is championed, in a nation where private property is sacred and inviolable.”

#Salis #act #antifascists #gag #Tempo
2024-07-06 01:38:15



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