Salinas Pliego responds to AMLO and conducts a survey

Overrepresentation is a robbery, because “It is practically the theft of 21% of seats in broad daylight”he replied Ricardo Salinas Pliego to the call made by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador to the 5 richest people in Mexico to give their opinion on the subject; in addition, the magnate applied a survey among his “followers and haters.”

And in his morning conference this Tuesday, August 20, AMLO called the richest in Mexico, according to the magazine Forbesand mentioned Carlos Slim, German Larrea, Ricardo Salinas Pliego, Fernando Bailléres and Maria Asuncion Aramburuzabala.

On his X account, Salinas Pliego, who constantly receives attacks from followers of the self-proclaimed 4T, wrote:

“Dear President @lopezobrador_, are business owners really respected and listened to? Please! Let’s be serious. Ccp #Bañagatos and other morning stooges.”

Who does Ricardo Salinas Pliego call “cat-batterer”?

It should be noted that when he says “Cat bather”usually refers to Jesus Ramirez Cuevasgeneral coordinator of Social Communication and Spokesperson of the government of the Republic, to whom he attributes that nickname for an alleged intimate bond with the late writer Carlos Monsivais.

And those who knew the intellectual knew that he loved cats and owned many, so those who approached him and came to his house had to live with his pets as well, but if the personal bond era narrower which went beyond friendship, they even bathed them; so the businessman suggests that Ramírez Cuevas bathed those cats.

AMLO calls on the richest to give their opinion on overrepresentation

And AMLO is interested in convincing the population of his vision on the issue of overrepresentation in Congress: “It may not be so clear to organizations business or maybe not everyone has this information; then, I would like you to be informed the most respected in business organizations on this case.”

“And I want to propose five that I would like you to know about this argument, the five richest in Mexico, according to the magazine Forbes. It is not at issue here how they obtained their wealth, (…) let them give us their opinion.”

But the person to whom AMLO dedicated the most time in his morning conference was Carlos Slim, who by the way has increased his wealth even more during the current six-year term, of whom he said:

“So, Carlos Slim, I want your opinion, not to the president; to the people of Mexico. And there is no need to consult lawyers, He is very intelligent and has practical judgment, sense common“.

Overrepresentation is a robbery: Salinas Pliego responds to AMLO and conducts a survey

But after answering AMLO “Let’s be serious,” the owner of Grupo Salinas conducted a surveya “for my paid followers and haters” in which he stated that overrepresentation is a robbery, because “It is practically the theft of 21% of seats in broad daylight”.

In the survey he asked his followers if it is democratic, correct and constitutional that Morena and allied parties 75% are awarded of the seats in the Chamber of Deputies, when The people gave them only 54% of the votes.

By 5:00 p.m., one of the richest men in Mexico had managed to 20,328 votes with the following result: 80.3% He answered that It is not democratic, correct and constitutional for Morena and its allies to be overrepresentedand 19.7% answered yes.

What is overrepresentation?

It is the disproportion or distortion which can be presented in the political representation regime in the Legislative Branch between the number of existing spaces and the number of inhabitants represented in a certain type of territorial extension, with negative effects on the criterion of individual equality of votes.

This means that with overrepresentation a political party obtains a higher percentage of seats the percentage of votes obtained or permitted by law, based on certain mechanisms electoral.

In the Chamber of Deputies, the limit of overrepresentation is established so that no political party can have more than 300 Deputies by both principles or a number of Deputies that represent a percentage of the total of the Chamber that exceeds by eight points its percentage of the national votes cast.

The Legislative Information System page (SIL) indicates that said base “will not apply to the party that, due to its victories in single-member districts, has obtained a percentage of seats in the total of the Chamber greater than the sum of the percentage of its national votes cast plus 8%.”

The Constitution determines that the number of representatives in the legislatures of the States shall be proportional to the number of inhabitants of each one; but, in any case:

  • There may not be less than seven deputies in States whose population does not reach 400 thousand inhabitants.
  • Of 9, in those whose population exceeds this number and does not reach 800 thousand inhabitants.
  • And 11 in States whose population is higher than this last figure.

In no case may a political party have a number of deputies by the principles of relative majority and proportional representation that represent a percentage of the total legislature that exceeds its percentage of votes cast by eight points.

Likewise, in the composition of the legislature, the percentage of representation of a political party may not be less than the percentage of votes it received minus eight percentage points.

#Salinas #Pliego #responds #AMLO #conducts #survey
2024-08-27 04:40:16



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