Sales start tomorrow: With inflation, traders fear a huge flop (video)

The famous sales period begins tomorrow. A traditionally fundamental moment for traders, who see it as a way to replenish the coffers by attracting more and more curious customers in search of good deals.

But following years marked by the covid, it is now inflation that worries traders. “We’re going to stay positive, we’re going to believe it. But purchasing power has decreased, we’re not going to hide it. We have to deal with it”confirms Giselle Liporace, a shoe saleswoman, for example.

The Union des Classes Moyennes confirms a generalized tendency, or almost, to worry. 7 in 10 traders fear buyers will cut back on purchases due to inflation and rising energy prices. Surveyed in the street, customers confirm that they will pay more attention. “I’ll look more easily at what’s cheaper”, “Before, I bought a lot of things, but here, I’m not a big buyer”, “I’ll go and see the latest offers, with great discounts”confirm some. “You have to be careful with your money, save and not spend on a whim”summarizes another customer, accustomed to sales.

Others all the same evoke a possibility of being tempted if a blow of heart were to arise. The UCM affirms that 65% of traders have fears for the survival of their activity if the sales were to go badly.



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