sales exceed 7.6 billion pesos


After 18 hours of the First Day without VAT of 2022, that is, until 6 p.m. this Friday, March 11, reported sales of 7.6 billion pesos.

Spokesmen for the National Government and the private sector delivered a preliminary assessment of the day, which ends at 12 midnight, and agreed to highlight that the sales level it was above expectation, Given the March is traditionally not a busy season in trading.

Clothing, sporting goods, agricultural products, computers and household appliances are the products that have been purchased the most compared to first day without VAT of 2021, according to the electronic billing data reported by the Directorate of National Taxes and Customs (Dian).

The Minister of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, María Ximena Lombanapointed out that the partial results leave the Government satisfied since they ratify the positive impact of this strategy in the safe economic reactivation and the development of the country.

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For his part, the director of the Dian, Lisandro Juncospecified that “with six hours to finish the first Day without VAT of 2022 and with a cutoff at 6 in the followingnoon, sales of 7.6 billion pesos have been registered, greater growth compared to the first day of 2021″.

In addition, the official added that, regarding the first Day without VAT of 2021“among the regions that report the greatest growth in sales are Chocó 61.8%, Magdalena 45.9%, Atlántico 21.3%, Quindío 17.9% and Bogotá 12.3%, indicators that show a good dynamics of our economy”.

The online trading platforms grouped in the Colombian Chamber of Electronic Commerce For their part, they reported 1.2 million transactions for 523,000 million pesos.

The day in stores and shopping centers has passed in an orderly manner, without incidents or congestion, and the internet sales systems have worked properly.

Jaime Alberto Cabal, president of Fenalco, confirmed the satisfaction of the merchants’ union by pointing out that: “these positive results indicate that the Day without VAT should stay on the calendar of Colombians. It is a win-win for consumers, for business and government”.

The Minister of Information and Communication Technologies, Carmen Ligia Valderrama, stressed that the day confirmed the great reception of the e-commerce in Colombiaas an essential channel for buying and selling products.

“As we expected, the Day without VAT Colombians They have been very well received by the electronic commerce. Days like the one we are experiencing today show us that the e-commerce has become an essential channel for product sales”, said the head of the portfolio of the MinTic.

Finally, the president of the Colombian Chamber of Electronic Commerce, María Fernanda Quiñones, highlighted the good behavior of the industry during the first date of the Day without VAT of the year.

“The Internet trading portals remained on the air and stable throughout the day, guaranteeing their full development and success. The CCCE and all its members reaffirm their commitment to these initiatives that promote the sustained growth of the sector and the economy of Colombia”, pointed out the president of the union.



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