Former Indian cricketer Harbhajan Singh MP with exemplary announcement. The salary from the Rajya Sabha will be spent on the education and welfare of the peasant daughters. He said he would do his best for the progress of the country. Recently, Harbhajan Singh was elected Aam Aadmi Party Rajya Sabha member from Punjab.
“As a member of the Rajya Sabha, I want to contribute my salary to the education and welfare of the peasant daughters. I will do my best for the progress of our country… Jai Hind! ” – Harbhajan Singh tweeted. He was elected unopposed to the Rajya Sabha from Punjab.
As a Rajya Sabha member, I want to contribute my RS salary to the daughters of farmers for their education & welfare. I’ve joined to contribute to the betterment of our nation and will do everything I can. Jai Hind ????????????????
— Harbhajan Turbanator (@harbhajan_singh) April 16, 2022
Story Highlights: Harbhajan Singh to contribute his Rajya Sabha salary
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