Salary Adjustment for Military and Naval Personnel: Joint Resolution 29/2023

2023-07-03 03:04:10

Joint Resolution 29/2023


City of Buenos Aires, 06/29/2023

Considering the file EX-2023-72793845- -APN-UGA#MD the Regulation of Chapter IV -Assets- of Title II of the Law for Military Personnel No. 19,101, approved by decree 1081 of December 31, 1973, and the Decree Law 5177 of April 18, 1958, which approved the Statute of the Naval Establishments Police and its regulations, and


That according to the Law of Ministries, it is the responsibility of the MINISTRY OF DEFENSE to understand in the determination of the objectives and policies of the area of ​​its competence, as well as to understand in the formulation and application of the principles and norms for the operation and use of the Forces Armed.

That, from the year 2020, from the NATIONAL EXECUTIVE POWER a process of regularization and reorganization of the salary structures of the personnel belonging to the Armed Forces was promoted.

That, in this sense, Decree No. 780/2020 regularized the situation of military personnel in relation to the concepts paid to active personnel for the supplements “for hierarchical responsibility” and “for material administration”, created by Decree No. ° 1305/12 and its amendments, such remunerative and bonus supplements must be considered and, consequently, incorporated into the “salary” of said personnel.

That, in the same sense, and as was reflected in the Message of the General Budget Law of the National Administration for the Fiscal Year of 2023, it should be noted that it is a necessary objective to recognize the personnel of the Armed Forces, among other reasons for their professionalism, missions and environment where they work. Consequently, it is the purpose of the National Government to recognize and maintain an adequate rank organization that responds to the capacity, responsibility and dedication of the personnel. To this end, in the 2023 financial year, concluding with measures of simplification and salary transparency, a process of professional hierarchization and salary reorganization began and was executed through Resolution No. RESFC-2023-12- -APN-MD

That in this understanding it is appropriate to establish a salary adjustment in the amounts of the “Monthly Credit” of the Military Personnel of the Armed Forces and the Police of Naval Establishments, as of July 2023.

On the other hand, the aforementioned “Monthly Salary” recognizes the salary update in accordance with the criteria adopted for civilian personnel of the National Public Administration.

That the Technical Advisory Commission for Public Sector Wage Policy, the technical areas and the Permanent Legal Advisory Services of the MINISTRY OF DEFENSE and the MINISTRY OF ECONOMY have taken the intervention that is their responsibility.

That this measure is issued in use of the powers contemplated in sections 1) and 2) of subsection g of article 3 of decree 101 of January 16, 1985, replaced by articles 6 of decree 954 of November 23, 2017 and 10 of decree 1086 of November 29, 2018.






ARTICLE 1.- Establish the “Monthly Salary” of the Military Personnel of the Armed Forces, according to the amounts and from the date that for the different hierarchies are detailed in Annex I (IF IF-2023-72799207-APN-UGA# MD) that integrates this measure.

ARTICLE 2 – Establish the “Monthly Salary” of the Naval Establishments Police Personnel, according to the amounts and from the date that for the different hierarchies are detailed in Annex II (IF-2023-72800077-APN-UGA#MD ) and Annex III (IF-2023-72801032-APN-UGA#MD) that make up this measure.

ARTICLE 3 – The expense required to comply with the provisions of this resolution will be met with the credits corresponding to the respective sub-jurisdictions of the General Budget of the National Public Administration of the Ministry of Defense.

ARTICLE 4.- Communicate, publish, give to the NATIONAL DIRECTORATE OF THE OFFICIAL REGISTRY and archive.

Jorge Enrique Taiana – Sergio Tomás Massa

NOTE: The Annex(es) that make up this Joint Resolution are published in the web edition of BORA

e. 03/07/2023 N° 49714/23 v. 03/07/2023




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