Salah: Not everything about contract renewal is about money, hope to be at Liverpool next season

Original title: Salah: Renewal is not all regarding money, hope to be at Liverpool next season

Salah: Not everything regarding contract renewal is regarding money, hope to be at Liverpool next season

Live it on April 22. Salah’s contract with Liverpool will expire next summer. Salah said he is not worried regarding the extension of the contract. Everything is not always regarding money.

On whether he will stay at Liverpool beyond 2023, Salah said: “I don’t know, I have a year left on my contract. I think the fans know what I want, in the contract extension, everything It’s not always regarding money. So I don’t know, I can’t tell you exactly. It’s a year away and the fans know what I want.”

“This club means a lot to me and I enjoy my football career here more than anywhere else. I gave everything for the club and everyone saw it. I had a lot of incredible moments here, winning trophies. , individual goals, individual awards, it’s like a big family here.”

“So I’m not worried, I’m not going to get myself into all kinds of worries. The season isn’t over, so let’s end it in the best way possible, that’s the most important thing right now. There’s one more year left on the contract. time and we’ll see what happens.”

In addition, Salah admitted that he hopes to still play at Liverpool next season. “Yeah, I think so. But if they let me go, it’ll be different (just kidding).”

In addition, Salah also expressed his hope to be close to Ian Rush’s Liverpool team record of 346 goals. “Hopefully before I leave, I’ll be No. 1. Over 300 goals, it’s very difficult to achieve, but let’s see.”

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