Salah Abdel-Haq denied recognition as a leader of the Brotherhood

The article discusses the disagreements and power struggles within the Muslim Brotherhood organization between the Istanbul front and the London front. The Istanbul front, led by Mahmoud Hussein, announced that the election of Salah Abdel-Haq as Acting General Guide is false, claiming that it is an attempt to create parallel entities within the organization. The Front emphasized that it has a general Shura Council that chose Dr. Mahmoud Hussein as Acting General Guide, and formed a new administrative body following the rules and regulations of the group in December. Meanwhile, the London front appointed Dr. Salah Abdel Haq as the group’s guide, and announced him as the acting general guide, succeeding Ibrahim Mounir who passed away last November. Disputes within the Brotherhood organization intensified due to the splits between the two fronts, resulting in a battle over control of the group and its capabilities. The article also notes that the split started in December 2021 when the Istanbul front assigned an acting general guide to the group, leading to the dismissal of Ibrahim Mounir and his supporters from the group. The London front responded by creating a new Shura Council for the group, with members residing in Istanbul and other countries.

Muslim brothers

Istanbul Front: What was reported about the election of Salah Abdel-Haq as Acting General Guide is false

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Disputes flared up again between the two competing Brotherhood fronts over the leadership of the organization, as the Istanbul front, led by Mahmoud Hussein, refused to recognize the election of Salah Abdel Haq, leader of the London front, as the guide.

The Istanbul Front announced that what was reported about the election of Salah Abdel-Haq as Acting General Guide is false, describing what happened as renewed attempts to create entities parallel to the Brotherhood’s institutions, or to name people with alleged tasks and titles away from the legitimate institutions of the group under various pretexts.

The Front said that the Brotherhood has a general Shura Council from inside and outside, which chose Dr. Mahmoud Hussein as Acting General Guide, and formed a new administrative body last December, stressing that this is a purely Egyptian matter that was carried out in accordance with the rules and regulations of the group.

Ibrahim Mounir and Mahmoud Hussein

The London Front in the Muslim Brotherhood had decided to appoint Dr. Salah Abdel Haq as the group’s guide.

On Sunday, the Front announced the election of Abdel Haq as the group’s acting general guide, succeeding Ibrahim Mounir, who passed away last November.

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According to what the Front announced, Abdel-Haq will be responsible for redefining the group, strengthening its position, reuniting it, managing the file of detainees and their families, and empowering young people to manage the next stage.

Disputes within the Brotherhood organization had intensified due to the splits between the two fronts, and turned into a battle between them over control of the group and its capabilities.

After the death of Ibrahim Munir, leader of the London Front, his front did not stop holding meetings in search of a replacement to replace him in his position as deputy guide of the group and acting guide.

The split actually began within the Brotherhood in December of the year 2021, with the Istanbul Front announcing the assignment of an acting general guide to the group for a period of 6 months, and the dismissal and final dismissal of Ibrahim Mounir, as well as the members of his front.

The London Front, led by Mounir, responded by forming a new Shura Council for the group, and escalating a number of personalities to be members of the Shura Council, most of them residing in Istanbul and the rest from other countries and countries and from within Egypt.

Read also

As disputes continue within the Muslim Brotherhood over the leadership of the organization, the Istanbul Front has refused to recognize the election of Salah Abdel Haq as Acting General Guide. According to the Front, the Brotherhood already has a General Shura Council that chose Dr. Mahmoud Hussein as Acting General Guide, and any attempts to create parallel entities or name individuals with alleged tasks and titles will not be recognized. The split within the Brotherhood began in December 2021, and the battle for control and leadership has intensified between the two fronts. Only time will tell how this dispute will ultimately be resolved.

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