Saint-Estève: a doctor refuses to come to the homes of his unvaccinated patients

the essential
A doctor from Saint-Estève (in the metropolis of Perpignan) refuses to take the risk of contaminating his most fragile patients by visiting unvaccinated people.

“Again this morning, I had 3 positive tests during a visit. 3 patients aged 86, 87 and 59, 3 bedridden patients who do not move. So contaminated by whom? By caregivers necessarily. Jean-François Baissas, doctor in Saint-Estève, told our colleagues from France 3 Occitanie that he would no longer go to his unvaccinated patients so as not to risk contaminating his other more fragile patients.

“Some don’t even have a thermometer!”

Tired of their behavior, he even affirms: “We are overwhelmed with requests for Covid tests by unvaccinated patients, when they are not entitled to them since they should pay for them in pharmacies. They say that they have fever and it’s not true… Some don’t even have a thermometer!” Exasperated, the professional even plans in the near future to only travel to the homes of his oldest patients.



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