All residents have been tested for covid. Few positive results. “We ruled out this hypothesis”, slice Arnaud Gacia. At the same time, the medical team conducted examinations. “Doctors don’t assume listeriosis, comments the director. The hot water circuits are individualized, which limits the risks (of an epidemic) of legionellosis, listeriosis…” The rumor of contamination with a bacterium is indeed beginning to run in the sector. Especially since a suspicion of food poisoning at the school of Saint-Amant-de-Boixe, in May, left its mark. “People may have confused”says Françoise Giroux-Mallot, the mayor.
Fatigue might be the cause of all these deaths. “These are residents for whom we were in end-of-life support. With the heat wave, it’s a complicated period,” recalls Arnaud Gacia. The ARS has been informed of the situation and the director hopes to find out more this Monday, “with the results of several analyses”.