In a shocking turn of events, Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was reportedly attacked in his mumbai residence, sparking widespread concern and a massive police investigation. The‍ alleged assailant,‌ still at large, is believed to have entered the building ⁤late at⁢ night,⁣ navigating the ⁤stairwells to reach the 11th floor where the actor’s home is​ located. Authorities suspect the⁢ perpetrator was familiar with the layout of ⁢the high-rise, enabling a stealthy approach.

Law enforcement has filed charges under multiple sections, including robbery, trespassing, and “grievous hurt caused while committing lurking house-trespass.” ⁤In a‌ meaningful breakthrough, police recovered a 2.5-inch fragment of a knife extracted from ​Khan’s spine during his medical treatment. To apprehend the suspect, 20 specialized teams have been deployed, with investigators also questioning two individuals who were working on the terrace ⁢of the actor’s home at the time of the incident.

Surveillance footage ⁤revealed the suspect was last spotted on the⁢ sixth floor, fleeing the scene. However, the individual was not recorded entering or exiting the ⁢building‌ through ‌the main lobby, leaving investigators‌ puzzled about the escape route. ‌The absence ⁢of additional ‌CCTV evidence has complicated the search, raising ⁣concerns about the suspect’s ability to ‌evade detection.

In the wake of ⁢the incident, Kareena⁤ Kapoor⁤ Khan, Saif’s wife, took to Instagram to address the media frenzy surrounding⁤ the attack. “As we navigate this tough time, I respectfully ​and⁢ humbly request ⁢that the media and paparazzi ​refrain from the relentless speculation and coverage,” she wrote. ⁣”While we ⁣appreciate ‌the concern ‌and support, the constant scrutiny and attention ⁤are not only overwhelming but also pose a significant risk to our safety. I⁤ kindly ⁣request that‌ you respect our boundaries and‍ give us the space‌ we need to heal and cope as ‌a⁣ family.”

The incident ‌has also ignited a political firestorm, with opposition parties and members of the film industry criticizing the BJP-led state government for perceived lapses in security. Shiv‍ sena‍ leader Priyanka ⁣Chaturvedi questioned, “If ‍celebrities are not safe, who in Mumbai ‍is?” Leaders such as⁣ Arvind ⁣Kejriwal of the Aam Aadmi Party and ‍West Bengal ‌Chief Minister Mamata ⁣Banerjee echoed similar sentiments, targeting the ruling party over the issue. However, Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis⁢ defended the city’s safety record, stating, “What⁤ happened was unfortunate, but it would not be correct ​to say that Mumbai is unsafe.”

As the​ investigation ⁢continues, the case has highlighted broader concerns about ⁣urban ⁢safety and the challenges faced by high-profile individuals‍ in navigating public scrutiny during personal crises.