Sagrada’s medical department says it has the means to prevent cases of athlete death – news

The head of the medical department at Sagrada Esperança da Lunda-Norte, Temístoclef Esteves, assured this newspaper that his squad has the technical conditions to prevent cases of sudden deaths within the club.

Speaking to this newspaper, the public health specialist said that the club has regularly carried out tests at the Clínica Sagrada Esperança, where athletes have undergone stress testing, nuclear magnetic resonance and ultrasound.

Temístoclef Esteves highlighted the importance of the tests, considering that they determine whether an athlete has the potential to develop myocarditis, which has resulted in sudden deaths.

The leader made a point of pointing out that excessive effort in carrying out physical activity and the lack of conditions to measure heart rate have contributed significantly to the emergence of deaths due to cardiorespiratory arrest.

“These pre-clinical tests are essential to determine whether a player could lose his life due to a heart abnormality. We have been carrying out tests at Clínica Sagrada Esperança”, said the head of the medical department at Sagrada Esperança.

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