The SAG Los Lagos confirmed the first case of avian influenza in Ancud. Authorities call not to touch dead or sick birds and inform the authorities.
The Agricultural and Livestock Service (SAG) confirmed the first case of avian influenza in wild birds of the Los Lagos region.
It is a Dominican seagull found in the coastal area of Ancud.
This was pointed out by SAG through a statement, where they indicate that it is a highly pathogenic contagion of the H5N1 variant.
The regional presidential delegate of Los Lagos, Giovanna Moreira, pointed out that with this confirmation “it is important to inform that the related services have been working since January on different prevention, complaint and action measures, with the aim of strengthening biosecurity in our territory”.
He also reinforced the call for security and avoid contact with dead or injured birds.
The regional director(s) of the SAG, Cristian Andrade, said that the birds travel in summer from the northern to the southern hemisphere looking for better conditions to survive, which explains the arrival in the area of avian influenza.
The SAG reported that they will intensify the work of surveillance and sampling of birds in the sector, while on Monday, together with government agencies and the Armed Forces, they will hold a Regional Technical Table for the animal health emergency.
Finally, the statement states, the Los Lagos Agriculture Department, Tania Salas, called for them not to touch them in case of finding sick or dead birds and to contact the SAG by email [email protected] or to the number +56 9 32538027. The call center 223 451100 is also available, which operates from Monday to Sunday from 08:00 a.m. to 09:00 p.m.
Male and female farmers were asked to inform the SAG if they have backyard birds that show erratic signs.