“Safe Place Initiative: Voluntary Safe Havens for Victims of Harassment in Brussels”

2023-05-11 12:48:32

The project “Safe Place” will be inaugurated on Friday rue de Brabant and rue d’Aerschot in Brussels. Fifteen businesses and the non-profit organization Utsopi become, on a voluntary basis, “safe places for victims of present or imminent threat or street harassment“, said Thursday the municipality of Saint-Josse-ten-Noode.

These temporary shelters are one of the actions implemented by a committee of traders, prostitutes, teachers and local police in an area. In the context of the security and drug problems weighing on the district, they have been coming together since September 2022 to strengthen positive exchanges between actors in the North district.

Concretely, citizens will be assured that, in places where a Safe Place sticker will be affixed, merchants will volunteer to welcome and support a possible victim, listen to them and notify the police if necessary.

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