Sad statistics: more and more bicycles and e-bikes. scooter drivers get into traffic accidents | Business

The officers of the Road Police Department of the Kaunas District Chief Police Commissariat (hereinafter – Kaunas District VPK) reveal that such traffic incidents are usually not without dire consequences.

Kaunas district VPK photo/Map

From the beginning of this year to the beginning of August in Kaunas district. Officials of the Road Police Department of the VPK calculate that 75 traffic accidents took place in the city of Kaunas in which the driver of bicycles and electric scooters took part. “There are many reasons why drivers of bicycles and electric scooters cause or get into traffic accidents – speeding, driving with a technically improper vehicle, underestimating stopping speed, but most importantly – lack of attention and concentration when participating in traffic,” say police officers.

Compared to the previous warm season, officials notice an increase in such traffic accidents. “Bicycles and electric scooters are extremely popular among young people. Probably, each of us has seen when two or even three people ride an electric scooter, although it is forbidden to do so. Unfortunately, the consequences of such traffic accidents are painful, because often only one means of protection is used – a helmet. And the latter is not even in all cases. “Not infrequently, road users do not avoid driving scooters or bicycles while intoxicated or under the influence of narcotic-psychotropic substances,” officials say.

Kaunas district VPK photo/Memory for scooterists

Kaunas district VPK photo/Memory for scooterists

Officials estimate that of the slightly more traffic accidents involving bicycle and electric scooter drivers that occurred in the first half of this year, more than 50 such traffic accidents involved bicycle drivers, and the rest involved electric scooter drivers. “There are no exact statistics on such traffic incidents, because the police are not always called to them (if they are injured due to their own fault), drivers of bicycles and electric scooters often go to medical facilities themselves, children are brought by their parents,” say police representatives.

Officials note that in traffic accidents involving bicycles and electric scooters, not only their drivers and passengers are injured, but also other road users – pedestrians and drivers of other vehicles. “Not infrequently, traffic accidents occur on bicycle and pedestrian paths, in which bicycle and scooter drivers, without choosing a safe speed (near pedestrian), get injured and injure pedestrians. “Children who often do not pay attention when riding bicycles and electric scooters, ride on the streets without wearing protective equipment, do not follow the rules of the road, make dangerous maneuvers, do not get off the bicycle or scooter when crossing the carriageway, which is only one step before an accident,” the police officers summarize.

Police officers ask the drivers of bicycles and electric scooters to remember to follow the rules of the road, to be careful, to protect themselves and other road users.

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2024-08-17 15:57:00



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