SacreSelve Festival Returns to Lake Maggiore: A Vibrant Fusion of Culture, Nature, and Spirituality

This weekend on Lake Maggiore, SacreSelve returns, the festival, in its second edition, dedicated to nature and spirituality, in complete symbiosis with the place that hosts meetings, workshops, exhibitions, excursions and yoga sessions at dawn: the Sacro Monte di Ghiffa.

From Friday 13th to Sunday 15th September and with an appendix on Friday 20th September, SacreSelve Festival will host an original lecture by Roberto Vecchioni and one by Vito Mancuso, a meeting with Marco Magnifico, president of Fai and one with the landscaper and agronomist Francesca Neonato. On Saturday 14th the small fair and the original workshops for all ages are confirmed, while Sunday will also be enriched this year with popular events for lovers of sports activities in contact with nature: yoga at dawn and, to follow, trekking along the paths of the Riserva Naturale Speciale del Sacro Monte di Ghiffa. On Friday 13th the ribbon will be cut for “Natura sacra”, the original exhibition of watercolours created specifically for SacreSelve by the well-known artist Nicola Magrin, which will be open until Friday 4th October.

The program

Table of Contents

After the institutional greetings, at 6 pm on Friday 13 September “Natura sacra” opens, the exhibition of unpublished tables dedicated to the sacredness of nature by the watercolourist Nicola Magrin, set up in the Cappella dell’Incoronata. The exhibition, curated by Lorenza Salamon – Salamon Fine Art, can be visited until Friday 4 October, with opening hours from Wednesday to Sunday from 10 am to 12 pm and from 4 pm to 6 pm (on other days and times by appointment).

At 8:45 pm on the terrace in front of the Sanctuary, the meeting “Landscapes to tell” is scheduled: the president of Fai Marco Magnifico, in conversation with the journalist Maria Elisa Gualandris, illustrates the role that Fai has played for over forty years in protecting and enhancing the artistic, environmental and historical heritage of our country.

On the afternoon of Saturday 14 September, from 3 pm to 7 pm, the original fair, set up under the arcades of the suggestive Via Crucis with the Libraccio bookshop of Verbania, present with a Book Market; the Apicoltori Alto Verbano-Val Grande association that will offer the tasting of a selection of honeys produced in the area of ​​Lake Maggiore and its valleys and the Museo dell’Arte del Cappello of Ghiffa that will exhibit some examples of hats from the historic Panizza factory of Ghiffa.

The Via Crucis will also host some of the engaging workshops for all ages: “The hatter’s workshop”, in collaboration with the Alto Verbano Museum Network, to learn how to create and decorate hats inspired by the elements of the woods and nature; “Walking in the woods between the woodpecker and the jay”, an engraving workshop (linoleum printing and collography) and printing using the chalcographic press, in collaboration with Brunitoio – Engraving and printing workshop in Ghiffa; “Little gardens”, a workshop in two shifts (3 pm and 5 pm) with the artist Camilla Cazzaniga to create gardens with colored paper enclosed in small boxes.

In collaboration with the Apicoltori Alto Verbano-Val Grande association, a flight cage will also be set up to observe the flight of bees and understand their aptitudes, guided in the observation by expert beekeepers. Finally, the Albero della Vita association, in the “Nature in your hands” workshop that will take place at the SS. Trinità restaurant, will guide participants in sensory exploration, personal research and the creation of works with natural materials.

Throughout the day, the staff of the Sacro Monte, coordinated by Dr. Elena Rame, will provide useful information for a visit to discover the monumental complex. The entire area will also host stands for food and wine tastings, typical products by the Ristorante SS. Trinità, the Apicoltori Alto Verbano-Val Grande association and Banda Biscotti, as well as a selection of craft beers by “Mastri del Lago”.

The day of Saturday 14 September ends at 8:45 pm on the terrace in front of the Sanctuary with the lectio of the theologian Vito Mancuso: in the meeting “Non ti manchi mai la Gioia”, inspired by his latest book published by Garzanti, Vito Mancuso proposes a philosophy of liberation to recognize and dismantle the traps that grip our lives, to overcome moments of stalemate and open up to a more authentic existence, until experiencing the profound joy of living.

English: Sunday 15 September the last day of SacreSelve Festival begins at sunrise with two activities in contact with the nature of the Sacro Monte. On the terrace in front of the Sanctuary the precious group experience of Yoga at dawn (from 6.15 to 8), which invites you to discover new tools to improve your daily life and find inner peace, precedes the trekking along the paths of the Natural Reserve (cancelled in case of bad weather) which starts at 8.15. The itinerary, of difficulty T (tourist), 6 kilometers long, with a difference in altitude of 210 meters and a total travel time of about 3 hours, will take you from the Sacro Monte di Ghiffa to Caronio and the Porale Chapel: a circular route with the guidance of a CAI companion and scientific dissemination on the tree species present in the Special Natural Reserve of the Sacro Monte di Ghiffa, by the forestry doctor Antonio Aschieri. Places are limited for both activities, so booking on the new website is recommended

At 12 o’clock on the terrace in front of the Sanctuary, the meeting “The beauty of the landscape” is scheduled, with the landscape architect and agronomist Francesca Neonato who will help to understand how in the analysis and design of green areas, ecological networks and regenerative agriculture, the ecosystemic approach allows us to have an overall vision of the many processes that contribute to the formation of different landscapes.

Finally at 3 pm, again on the terrace in front of the Sanctuary, the second edition of SacreSelve Festival will close with perhaps the most anticipated event of the entire event: the meeting with Roberto Vecchioni and his unpublished Lectio sulla parola, commissioned by the Festival. In Ghiffa Vecchioni will accompany the public on a journey into the universe of words and language, among the profound themes of the sacred and nature.

SacreSelve Festival is organized with the support and patronage of the Municipality of Ghiffa and with the patronage and collaboration of the Sacri Monti Management Body; all events are free to attend. The festival will take place even in case of bad weather in the covered and porticoed areas of the monumental area of ​​the Sacro Monte.

In case of bad weather, seating is limited: for meetings with Marco Magnifico, Vito Mancuso, Francesca Neonato, Roberto Vecchioni and Tommaso Sacchi – as well as for yoga at dawn and trekking along the paths of the Nature Reserve – booking is possible and recommended on the website In case of good weather, however, the meetings will be held outdoors, with ample seating available.

In order not to congest the Sacro Monte area, where there are few parking spaces available, a convenient shuttle service is planned, departing from the Ghiffa sports field, active on Saturday 14 September (from 7 pm to 11 pm) on the occasion of the lectio by Vito Mancuso and on Sunday 15 (from 2 pm to 6 pm) for the meeting with Roberto Vecchioni.

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Sacre selve 2024

SacreSelve Festival: A Celebration of Nature, Spirituality,⁤ and Culture on Lake Maggiore

This weekend, the charming town of Ghiffa on Lake Maggiore ⁣will host the second edition of the SacreSelve Festival, a unique celebration of nature, spirituality, and culture. From Friday 13th to Sunday 15th September, and with an appendix on Friday 20th ​September, the festival will offer a⁤ rich program of events, workshops, exhibitions, and outdoor activities ⁤that will enchant

Lake Maggiore Festival

SacreSelve Festival: A Celebration of Nature and Spirituality on Lake Maggiore

This weekend, the beautiful Lake Maggiore will host the second edition of the SacreSelve Festival, a unique event that combines nature, spirituality, and culture. From Friday, September 13th to Sunday, September 15th, and with an additional event on Friday, September 20th, the festival will take place at the Sacro Monte di Ghiffa, a stunning location that provides a perfect setting for this celebration.

The Program

The festival program is packed with exciting events, including lectures, workshops, exhibitions, excursions, and yoga sessions at dawn. On Friday, September 13th, the festival will kick off with the opening of “Natura sacra”, an original exhibition of watercolors created by the well-known artist Nicola Magrin [[3]]. The exhibition, curated by Lorenza Salamon – Salamon Fine Art, will be open until Friday, October 4th, with opening hours from Wednesday to Sunday from 10 am to 12 pm and from 4 pm to 6 pm (on other days and times by appointment) [[1]].

On Friday evening, a meeting is scheduled at 8:45 pm on the terrace in front of the Sanctuary, where the president of Fai, Marco Magnifico, will illustrate the role that Fai has played in protecting and enhancing the artistic, environmental, and historical heritage of our country.

Workshops and Activities

On Saturday, September 14th, the original fair will take place under the arcades of the suggestive Via Crucis, featuring a Book Market by the Libraccio bookshop of Verbania, a honey tasting by the Apicoltori Alto Verbano-Val Grande association, and an exhibition of hats from the historic Panizza factory of Ghiffa by the Museo dell’Arte del Cappello of Ghiffa.

In addition, several workshops will be held for all ages, including “The hatter’s workshop”, where participants will learn how to create and decorate hats inspired by nature; “Walking in the woods between the woodpecker and the jay”, an engraving workshop; and “Little gardens”, a workshop where participants will create gardens with colored paper enclosed in small boxes.

Sports and Nature Activities

On Sunday, the festival will also feature popular events for lovers of sports activities in contact with nature, including yoga at dawn and trekking along the paths of the Riserva Naturale Speciale del Sacro Monte di Ghiffa.

More About SacreSelve Festival

SacreSelve Festival is a celebration of nature, spirituality, and culture, set in the stunning location of the Sacro Monte di Ghiffa. The festival aims to promote the extraordinary heritage of the Sacro Monte della SS. Trinità di Ghiffa and to provide a unique experience for its visitors.

For more information about the festival, please visit the official website [[2]]or check the festival’s social media pages [[3]]. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with nature and spirituality in one of the most beautiful locations on Lake Maggiore.



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