Saavedra: they made a barbecue on the sidewalk and the Police seized the grill lit with 2KG of meat

An unusual situation was experienced this Friday in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Saavedra, when City Police officers seized a grill with burning embers.

Police sources informed TN that one of the neighbors called 911 to complain because some 30 people were having a barbecue in the middle of the street, in violation of article 85 of the Contravencional Code.

I also read: Unusual robbery in Tucumán: a group of friends were having a barbecue on the sidewalk, they were careless and a thief took the meat from the grill

After arriving at the place, the policemen verified that indeed a group of regarding thirty people were on a small square carrying out a barbecue. Something for which they were asked to stop doing it, and following mediation the offenders kept the grill.

However, at that moment a man arrived at the scene who claimed to be the representative of a dining room called “La Chilinga” and asked those who were there to continue with the barbecue.

A police officer “guards” the roast and grill seized on the sidewalk of a park in Saavedra. (Photo: video capture)

For this reason, the group of people took out the grill once more, and following this the policemen decided to consult the Flagrancia Prosecutor’s Office, North Area, in charge of Dr. Eduardo Mora, regarding the situation.

The representative of the Public Ministry arranged to carry out the violation, the cessation of the use of public space and the seizure of the grill and the two kilos of meat that were being cooked.

For this reason those present became obfuscated and began to be hostile to the police personnel, making the task difficult. However, it was also possible to carry out what was ordered by the Justice, seizing the grill and the meat that was sent to food science.

Hours later, law enforcement authorities finally returned the grill to its owners.

The complaints of those who made the barbecue: “They threw a fire extinguisher at the food”

After the police operation, students from the La Chilinga popular percussion school expressed their annoyance at the procedure carried out in front of the headquarters shed, located on Ruiz Huidobro avenue between Goyeneche and Holmberg.

In this sense, one of those present in the place reported: “As almost every night there are groups that rehearse, on this occasion we lit the grill to celebrate some events. Far from making a mess, we were very calm waiting for the food that was on the grill to be done when 4 agents of the City Police approach us in a very bad way to tell us that there was a neighbor’s complaint regarding the smoke and that We had to end the activity.”

In the middle of the operation, the source added that “they threw the food with a fire extinguisher and put it in a bag, they never had the intention of returning it or a good predisposition to solve the problem, generating even more disturbances than the meeting we held.” , as published Saavedra Online.

News in development that is being updated.-



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