Saad Hariri .. me or no one! – Saudi News

After seventeen years, Saad Hariri appears completely different from that young man whose tears the kingdom shed after the assassination of his father in February 2005. He saluted like the Iranians, and all that remained was for him to take off the “kraft”, to be closer to “Mantazeri”. It is true that these are symbols of politics. However, it gives the impression of “political Shiism” that has begun to show its effects in Saad’s behavior, so what happened to Saad during the past years that made him fall into the arms of Tehran.

After his political and economic failure and his participation in the responsibility for the collapse that Lebanon has reached, and his inability to contest the elections, Saad Hariri rendered the greatest service to his father’s killers by calling for the Sunni community to boycott the elections to vacate the electoral arena for the terrorist Hezbollah and the Aounist movement at the expense of his homeland Lebanon and his sect. So whoever sold his father’s blood in exchange for not opening the corruption files he was involved in, he will not hesitate to offer sacrifices of contentment to the enemies of Lebanon in order to preserve his personal interests.

Hariri today is working to scatter the Sunni votes, and abstaining from voting – in the upcoming elections – means that the Sunni seats will go to the allies of Hezbollah, the historical enemy not only for the Sunnis but for all the Lebanese who once trusted Saad.

Does Saad remember? On the day that Hariri’s father’s car exploded, Saudi Arabia sided with the Sunnis of Lebanon and his betrayed family and absolutely rejected all the offered settlements. Riyadh could have sold Hariri’s blood as slaves to Hezbollah and the Syrian and Iranian regimes, but it absolutely refused.

Today, Saad, who is not Saad in 2005, appears allied with the Aounist movement, Nabih Berri, and last but not least, a minor politician in the “Hassan” movement.

The Lebanese disagreement with Hariri is not related to his person, but rather to the obligations of the “blood” pact that they established with him during the Cedar Revolution when they rose from all sects to support the young man “Saad”. The Lebanese citizens, on their part, fulfilled their obligation, and whoever inherits that alliance was supposed to abide by it as well.

Saad Hariri, in his political performance, treats his opponents better than he treats his allies, and when he wins, he acts like a defeated, and if he is defeated, he acts like a slaughtered man. .

Saad gave legitimacy to the weapon of his father’s murderer (Hezbollah) for absolutely free, and he does not use his power cards in favor of his political choices, and among the cards of power he has is his broad “Lebanese” audience who took to the streets, which seems to have lost it irrevocably.

Certainly, his narrow advisory team surrounding him is working against him and not working with him. In return, Hariri has abandoned the hawks of the Future Movement and March 14 and its political thinkers such as Fouad Siniora, Ahmed Fatfat and Marwan Hamadeh.

Saad, with his political naivety, confuses what is personal with what is political, for example, his relationship with Saudi Arabia, Samir Geagea, Fares Saeed, Sami al-Jamil and Ashraf Rifi. He also always throws his political mistakes at others, and does not bear the consequences of his choices. Have you seen his permanent words? He always threw accusations at those who “kowtled” to him in his political or economic project – as he claims – as if they were political opponents who descended from Mars. Aren’t the results of your work and failure

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For years, Saad, you have been blaming yourself and reviewing the choices you made, and now Lebanon is paying the price.

Did Saad lose his Sunni audience, and after him his “Lebanese” audience, who once gathered around him?

Certainly, today he is one of the political staff that is required to be completely removed from the Lebanese scene. It is the demand of the great masses in all of Lebanon, who are groaning from poverty and hunger and exhausted by immigration and lack of help.

Saad Hariri must return to 2005-2010 as representative of the policies, wishes and dreams of the forces that gathered around him, and to believe that Hezbollah and Aoun and those around them need him and not who need them, and to act as a Lebanese statesman and not as a prisoner of war with Hezbollah and Aoun, and to preserve On the first Sunni position and not neglect his unity and prestige in favor of the Iranian forces or other sects because of his whims or plots, and to confront the Iranian project and its followers and tools, not because that is a Saudi interest, but because it is in the personal interest of him and his country Lebanon, and that strength does not mean: “I. …or no one but me,” and to return Lebanon to its Arab identity, so there is no Iranian subjugation, and that the policy of disassociation – which he claims – does not apply to the “Arab-Iranian” conflict.

Finally, we say to Saad Hariri, that your historical opportunity has come, and you may not deserve it, but it came even though you did not offer the historical price for it. Therefore, you must take sides with your country first and your sect second, which you destroyed by surrendering to the Dahieh Party and the sect leaders, before you hear one day “Weep.” Saad …. a homeland that you did not preserve like men.”

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