S. Gentvilas: it is expected that the zoo will sustain itself and restore the species in the wild

“In fact, this zoo will support itself, it is likely that within a couple of years the zoo will be able to take care of species not only at home, but also outside,” the minister told reporters on Sunday.

According to him, it is expected that in the future the Lithuanian Zoo, like most such institutions in the West, will allocate the funds earned from education and other sources, among other things, to the protection of animals on other continents – where they live.

The minister said that the opening of the zoo after reconstruction marks a new approach to animal rights.

“This is a gift to the children of Lithuania, it is a gift to the coming generations, which will change the way we treat animals, how we take care of them,” the minister said at the presentation of the reconstruction on Sunday.

According to S. Gentvilo, both this and other projects dedicated to animal welfare, the recently adopted ban on showing wild animals in the circus, stricter conditions for keeping and showing them, speak of “a completely different approach to animal rights in Lithuania”.

“We started to look at animal protection in a completely different way, so that it is not a circus and disneylandbut that it would be the activities of zoos related to the preservation of protected species, education,” he said.

According to the minister, all over the world, such institutions are starting to be viewed not as places for entertaining people, but as places for education and species preservation.

“The zoo is an institution of re-education for children and adults – because our generation has worked a lot in this world – so that we basically look at nature with caution, so the whole zoo has basically turned into an educational space, not cages for animals,” he said.

Eriko Ovčarenko/BNS photo/Renovated Lithuanian Zoo

Preparing to return to the international association

According to the zoo, it will be possible to get acquainted with 149 species of animals, of which more than 50 are protected. It is intended to increase the number of protected species in the next five years.

The Lithuanian Zoo will also seek to become a member of the European Association of Zoos and Aquariums (EAZA) again: the institution was expelled from this association due to insufficient animal welfare conditions.

According to Gintarės Stankevičė, director of the Lithuanian Zoo, the curator appointed by EAZA has already given the green light for his return to the association, so it is expected that it will be possible to do it next year.

“The zoo was removed because it did not meet EAZA’s minimum standards. Targeted steps are now being taken and we are planning to regain our member status next year,” said the manager.

It was previously announced that the two-year reconstruction of the zoo will cost 18.3 million. euros, however, according to the latest data, it paid 24 million. euros.

Eriko Ovčarenko/BNS photo/Renovated Lithuanian Zoo

Eriko Ovčarenko/BNS photo/Renovated Lithuanian Zoo

According to S. Gentvil, this was due to the increase in the price of materials due to the war started by Russia in Ukraine. In addition, the metal was bought not from Eastern countries, but in the West, so this also increased the price. Its reconstruction required a lot of installation of animal aviaries.

“The zoo was expensive for Lithuania, but it is an investment in our children, our perception and civil attitude towards animals,” said the minister.

The reconstruction covered 80 percent. zoo. During it, the conditions for keeping animals were improved, seven new buildings were built, old ones were repaired, animal aviaries were renovated, new spaces were established for visitors and employees, paths were fixed, children’s playgrounds were installed, an exotarium with an educational center was established, and an observation tower with an elevator was erected on the territory.

The Lithuanian Zoo has not been fundamentally renovated since its opening in 1938.

#Gentvilas #expected #zoo #sustain #restore #species #wild
2024-08-24 17:31:08



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