S. Ambrozaitis, playing in O. Koršunov’s “Otele”: “The role gave a lot, but it was also necessary to sacrifice” | Culture

OKT/Vilnius City Theater will start “Othello” this fall. Already on September 10 the actors will be waiting for the audience in the hall of the State Youth Theater. We talk to the actor himself about the role of Iago, which also brought him international recognition, the theater’s press release says.

– At the MESS festival held in Sarajevo, you were awarded a golden laurel wreath for the role of Iago in Oskar Koršunov’s Othello and recognized as the best actor of the festival. What does this award mean to you?

– I have not received this award yet. I’m still waiting, it’s almost a year, but from what I’ve heard, Bosnians are in no hurry. And to be more serious, it was my first award, and also as the best actor of the entire festival! At that time I was really elated and very motivated and happy!

– Who is Yag to you? How did this role change you, what did it give you as a person? How do you see him in the context of your other roles?

– I am still solving this puzzle, every time this role is different for me. He gave a lot, but just as much had to be sacrificed. This is an extraordinary role, it requires both maximum physical and emotional preparation. Every year this role of Iago matures as I mature.

– When playing Yaga, do you have a recipe for us to deal with the Yagas of this world?

– I can give out part of the prescription: you need to come to the performance. And anyway – to talk openly and not let emotions take away a cold, common sense.

– How would you describe evil very briefly?

– This is jealousy. It causes the greatest evil and causes the most evil actions.

– „Othello” has already been at more than one festival, on more than one stage of a foreign country. Do you remember any special or funny incident on stage?

– Every tour has its own special moments, but the cast of “Otelo” somehow relaxes a lot abroad, new adaptations, games, partner provocations appear. Karolis Norvilas, who plays Rodrigo, is practically that special event on stage, sometimes it’s hard not to laugh at his improvisations. Worth seeing.

– What is stage and acting for you?

– This is a very sacred phenomenon. Everything is so fragile, and it affects me to no end. In addition, acting for me is both a game and a constant attempt to communicate with my partner on stage and with the audience in the hall.

William Shakespeare’s “Othello” (dir. Oskaras Koršunovas) – already on September 10, 6:30 p.m., in the hall of the State Youth Theater (5 Arklių str., Vilnius).

#Ambrozaitis #playing #Koršunovs #Otele #role #gave #lot #sacrifice #Culture
2024-09-04 14:26:38



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