Ruth Sahanaya Plans to Release Documentary Film Next Year

Ruth Sahanaya (MI/Rifaldi Putra Irianto)

HUSBAND and manager of Indonesian diva Ruth Sahanaya, Jeffry Waworuntu, has signaled that his wife will release a documentary. The 58-year-old man estimates the project will be released in 2025.

It is known that the idea to make a documentary film emerged after Uthe – Ruth Sahanaya’s nickname – held a concert to celebrate her 40-year career in the music world entitled ’40 Years of Symphony from the Heart’ last June.

“Regarding the film, it’s actually in process, hopefully it can be released next year,” said Jeffry in Jakarta, Monday (26/8).

Although he gave a signal that he would release a documentary, Jeffry has not given any certainty about which platform he will release the film on. He opened up a number of possibilities, between the film being shown in Cinemas or Over-The-Top Media Services (streaming platforms).

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“But I don’t know whether it will be released in theaters or Video on-demand (VOD). Because we also have to see what the cinema market in Indonesia is like, if right now horror film enthusiasts are booming. So we also have to see where the trend is now, and we can’t just finish it and then release it,” explained Jeffry.

Uthe added, in the film project, he and Jeffry did not want to be careless and just follow the trend. So everything was thought out very carefully. With the hope that the film would not only be a spectacle but could have a positive impact on the public.

“So it really has to be prepared so that it can become a spectacle that can truly inspire many people, not just follow suit,” said Uthe.

Just for information, currently there are at least two Indonesian singers who have released documentary films, namely, Raisa and Rossa. Both Rossa and Raisa take concert backgrounds in their documentaries. If next year Uthe really releases a documentary, she will extend the line of Indonesian singers who have documentary films. (Rif/M-4)

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