Russia’s Role in Ukraine Peace Talks and International Dialogue: Kremlin Spokesman Confirms Essential Involvement

2024-03-26 21:57:13

Moscow (agencies)

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov confirmed that there are no peace talks in Ukraine without Russia, and that any peace summit that excludes Moscow is just “futility,” adding that Russia is open to dialogue with the United States, but seeks to conduct a comprehensive discussion of all issues.
Peskov added in a press interview, published yesterday, that the continuation of the fighting that has been going on for two years in Ukraine comes primarily to protect Russia from the West.
“Can the Ukrainian problem be solved without Russia’s participation?” Peskov said in the interview last Thursday, one day before a random shooting in a concert hall outside Moscow. The answer is clear: it is not possible.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky called for an international peace summit, and Switzerland said earlier this year that it would host the conference, and the date and details were discussed.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has already denounced as unworkable a Ukrainian peace plan that calls for the withdrawal of Russian forces and the restoration of Ukraine’s 1991 borders, including the Crimean Peninsula, which Russia seized and annexed in 2014.
Peskov reiterated that the plan was unthinkable, and also denounced plans discussed by the European Union and other countries to control the proceeds of Russian assets and hand them over to Ukraine.
In addition, the Russian presidential spokesman, the Kremlin, confirmed that Russia is open to dialogue with the United States, but seeks to conduct a comprehensive discussion of all issues.
“President Putin has repeatedly said that we are open to dialogue, and we believe that it is necessary to discuss all issues comprehensively. You cannot take some issues out of the general context that now dominates our bilateral relations,” Peskov said, according to what the Russian TASS news agency reported yesterday. .
Peskov added, “We are open to dialogue and have the political will, but we support a comprehensive discussion of all issues.”
In turn, Russia’s ambassador to Washington, Anatoly Antonov, said earlier yesterday that the Russian embassy in the United States had agreed with US administration officials to discuss bilateral relations next week.
On the ground, Russian security forces thwarted a terrorist attack in Samara Province, where a member of the “Russian Volunteer Corps” who planned the attack blew himself up while being arrested, according to the Russian Federal Security Service.
The agency’s statement, reported by the Russian Sputnik agency, said: “The Russian Federal Security Service thwarted, on the territory of Samara Province, a terrorist act planned by a member of the terrorist organization (the Russian Volunteer Corps).”

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