Russian Wine Industry Prepares for Excise Tax Amendments: Ariant Group of Companies

2023-11-30 04:33:21

Ariant Group of Companies is also waiting for the adoption of new amendments to the law (on excise tax reimbursement – Ed.) and after that they will formulate a pricing strategy, the company told 74.RU.

“We are ready to make every effort to ensure that this increase goes unnoticed by our consumers. It is important that the increase in excise taxes makes Russian wine more competitive in the market. If winemakers have the opportunity to reimburse increased excise taxes, then with the right investments this will allow further development of Russian winemaking: expanding the area of ​​vineyards, building nurseries, creating new enotourism (wine tourism – Ed.) facilities and, of course, improving the quality of the final product,” she said General Director of Ariant Group of Companies Irina Golysheva. “We see an unprecedented format of state support for the viticulture and winemaking industry, which will allow us to scale up scientific research, study and preserve the diversity of grape plants, expand their genetic bank, develop, implement and use methods of viral purification of grapes at the stage of seedling production. Such work has already begun at the Yuzhnaya agricultural company in close cooperation with the National Research Center Kurchatov Institute.

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