Russian special operation in Ukraine: online broadcast on May 11

12:24 The Armed Forces of Ukraine began “harder shelling” residential areas of the settlements of the DPR. This was stated by the deputy head of the People’s Militia Department of the Republic Eduard Basurin.

12:22 The Foreign Intelligence Service reports that the US State Department has set a task for controlled NGOs to discredit the Russian special operation in Ukraine. The State Department also recommended that NGOs use fakes that are aimed at dehumanizing the political and military leadership of the Russian Federation.

At the same time, the actions of the US State Department show much in common with the traditions of the Third Reich, the Foreign Intelligence Service noted.

12:12 Natalia Poklonskaya expressed her condolences on the death of the first President of Ukraine Leonid Kravchuk. According to her, “a whole epoch is associated with such politicians, who did not exist this year.” “I am sure that Leonid Makarovich wanted and sincerely wished peace to Ukraine and Russia,” she said in her Telegram channel.

12:05 Energy prices in Europe rose by 40% over the year against the backdrop of anti-Russian sanctions. It is reported by The Wall Street Journal.

12:00 The head of the Hungarian Foreign Ministry, after Orban’s talks with Macron, as well as the head of the European Commission, said that they had no idea how the Hungarian economy could cope with the blow in the event of an embargo on Russian oil.

11:52 State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin is sure that Washington does not believe in Kyiv’s victory. He also stressed that the United States wants to arrange a famine in Ukraine.

11:35 The crews of Su-35S fighters of the operational-tactical aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces spend several hours under the gun of air defense and electronic warfare of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as reported by the Russian Defense Ministry. They work as a priority on enemy air defense systems.

11:15 Ambassador of the LPR to the Russian Federation Miroshnik said that he had already taken up his duties. According to him, the embassy will have to resolve issues of dual citizenship and a mechanism for protecting the rights of its citizens in Russia.

In addition, additional agreements to the Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation between the Russian Federation and the LPR are being developed and are being agreed upon.

11:10 Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev predicts the failure of the United States because of assistance to Ukraine. He commented on his Telegram channel on the news that the US House of Representatives approved a $40 billion aid package for Kyiv.

According to Medvedev, “it is obvious that ‘assistance’ on such an unprecedented scale is explained not at all by love for Ukraine, but by the intention to continue the ‘proxy war against Russia’.” Will not work. Their printing press will break faster, due to which America is constantly increasing its already exorbitantly inflated public debt,” Medvedev is sure.

He also recalled the insane prices for gasoline and food, “for the growth of which Americans should thank their Russophobic authorities.” “But the goals of the special operation will be achieved,” Medvedev added.

10:50 New reports from the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

At night, aviation hit 93 objects, including 2 command posts, as well as 69 areas of concentration of manpower and military equipment. 3 ammunition depots of the Ukrainian army were also destroyed.

In addition, rocket troops and artillery hit 407 areas of concentration of manpower and military equipment. They also managed to destroy 13 command posts, 4 positions of Osa-AKM anti-aircraft missile systems, and 14 more ammunition depots.

Russian air defense destroyed nine Ukrainian drones, including four near Balakliya in the Kharkiv region, and three more near Rubizhne in the LPR. One UAV was also destroyed near Snake Island, and another “Bayraktar-TB2” near Arkhangelsk in the Nikolaev region.

More than 280 nationalists were killed as a result of the strikes. Also put out of action 59 units of military equipment.

In total, 164 Ukrainian planes, 125 helicopters, and 807 drones have been destroyed since the beginning of the special operation. And 302 anti-aircraft missile systems, 2998 tanks and other combat armored vehicles, 360 MLRS installations and 1455 guns were also liquidated.

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10:33 “Gazprom” reports that applications for gas from Russia to Europe as of May 11 fell by 25%, to 72 million cubic meters. m. And it is also reported that Gazprom supplies gas for transit through Ukraine today in the amount of 72 million cubic meters. In the last days of April, they pumped an average of 50-70 million cubic meters per day, and in May – 90-100 million cubic meters per day.

10:27 The official representative of the people’s militia of the LPR, Ivan Filiponenko, said that specialists from the Luhansk People’s Republic and Russia restored 11 television and radio broadcasting facilities. The broadcast signal is now available in the territories remaining under the control of Kyiv.

10:22 Gorelkin, deputy chairman of the Duma Committee on Information Policy, said that RuTube, after a powerful hacker attack on May 9, would return to service on Wednesday. Restoration work at the final stage.

10:05 The price of gas in Europe has exceeded $1,100 per 1,000 cubic meters. All because of the stoppage of part of the flows from Russia.

9:58 The head of the Kursk region, Starovoit, extended the “yellow” level of terrorist threat in the region until May 25.

9:47 FSB officers detained in Kaliningrad a supporter of the Ukrainian extremist organization “Right Sector” banned in Russia. He was preparing a terrorist attack on the Victory Day against Russian servicemen.

9:44 Apty Alaudinov, an assistant to the head of Chechnya for the power bloc, said that the remnants of Ukrainian troops driven out of the city of Rubizhne in the Donbass are blocked at the Zarya plant. We have already completed this task, our forces and means practically blocked the Zarya plant, Alaudinov emphasized.

9:30 Maria Zakharova stated that contacts between Russia and Ukraine are still ongoing.

9:22 The Russian Defense Ministry showed how helicopter crews of the army aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces work during a special operation. In the course of performing combat missions, the Ka-52 Alligator reconnaissance and attack helicopters of the new generation have proven themselves well.

9:12 Argentine President Alberto Fernandez said that Western economic sanctions against Russia have an extremely negative impact on the whole world and harm people.

9:08 Vladimir Putin congratulated the head of the DPR Denis Pushilin on the Day of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR). In congratulations, he expressed confidence in the victory by joint efforts.

The Belarusian authorities, meanwhile, announced the deployment of troops on the border with Ukraine. It was noted that the grouping created by the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Southern Operational Direction with a total number of up to 20 thousand people also requires a reaction from Minsk. In addition, territorial defense is being formed in the west of Belarus.

On Tuesday, the first president of Ukraine, Leonid Kravchuk, died. For the past two years, he has led the Ukrainian delegation to the contact group for a settlement in Donbass.

The US House of Representatives has approved almost $40 billion in additional aid to Ukraine. And Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said that the US and British defense secretaries plan to hold talks on Ukraine on May 11 in Washington.

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