Russian soldiers destroy Ukrainian school Leave a message calling for peace to the children

paraphrased from the report of CNN Russian soldiers destroy Ukrainian school Leave a message calling for peace to the children

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When the Ukrainian army took control of Katyujankha village north of Kiev It was under Russian occupation for a month in March. A local school was found in a state of destruction, any equipment not stolen will be smashed. There is a makeshift cemetery in the school yard, and deep trenches are dug throughout the football field.

Inside a destroyed classroom The text was written in white chalk on a large green blackboard on the wall as a letter to the students and signed by the “Russian”.

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Messages on a blackboard in a school in Katujankha village. After the Russian troops left One message reads: “White Ukrainian and Russian are one and the same!!!” / Pictured Volodymyr Runets

The message read, “Children, we apologize for the disturbance. We try to help the school But there was a bombing Stay calm, take care of yourself, and don’t make the same mistakes that adults do. Ukraine and Russia are one!!! Peace be with you, brothers and sisters!”

such message written in russian different from Ukrainian which is the language used in the school It was one of many messages written on the blackboards and whiteboards scattered around the building. Another message is “We live for peace in all worlds.”

Mikola Meekitchik, principal of Katujankha Village Secondary School tell CNN last month that He was disgusted when he saw these messages.

“They wrote “Russians and Ukrainians are brothers” while robbing schools … They destroy computers remove hard drive Lap computer and the printer goes Did not leave anything at school! It is barbarism and hypocrisy,” Mikitchik said.

He said he found 3 anti-tank bombs, several shock grenades. and a machine gun ammunition holster with ammunition on the school grounds The kitchen has recently been renovated with new equipment. used to feed more than 500 children each day before the start of the war. completely destroyed

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The school in Katujankha village was severely damaged due to the fighting / Galena Kapitan photo.

According to operational progress information released by the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense on March 3, Russian troops were in control of the village of Katyujankha at the time. Transport camps were set up there and in other villages in the area.

Katujankha is a small village. but has strategic importance Because it is located on one of the main roads that enter the city of Kiev. Satellite images from the beginning of March showed a 64-kilometer convoy of Russian military vehicles containing tanks, armored vehicles and towed artillery in the area.

Mikitchik estimated the damage to the Russian troops was regarding 5 million Ukrainian hryvnia, and said he might not imagine the students returning anytime soon. and in the mind of the headmaster No doubt they were school robbers.

“We hope we can be friends.”

“Everything was taken away. Even the cable was stolen. We had electrical wires from copper wire and 100 meters of cable were stolen,” Mikitchik said.

Meanwhile, another message left in the school said: “Just and honest with each other. Reach out to everyone in need. We hope we can be friends! Become a doctor, an engineer, a teacher, a peacemaker.”

The message was written on a blackboard in Katujankha. It is one of dozens of texts found in schools in Ukrainian districts previously occupied by Russia. before withdrawing the troops

In Ukraine, these photographs of the messages have become symbols of the atrocity and enormous damage of the unwarranted Russian aggression, but in Russia, these messages have generated a very different response. After being revealed for the first time in April and became part of the propaganda that revealed Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was “liberation”

Russian news site Lenta publishes an article regarding “A touching message to Ukrainian children” written by the Russian army The website of Russia’s Sargrad television channel reported a “sincere” message of wanting Ukrainian children to “successfully study”.

Even Vladimir Medinsky, former Russian Minister of Education and Culture also shared a photo of one of the messages and said he was touched by the message.

“We’re sorry, we don’t want war.”

in the village of Novi BQ in Chernyhew west of Kiev Many messages of this nature are still found on blackboards. Several messages called for peace and friendship between the Ukrainian and Russian people.

Natalia Wawf, Principal of Novo-Bikiwski General High School which was heavily attacked during the battle told CNN last month that The roof of the school was severely damaged in the bombing. and every window is broken

“The library is damaged. All the textbooks were burned. Not a single book was left, tables were destroyed, equipment and computers were taken away,” Wawf said. Russian soldiers leave a message calling for peace

The message written in large letters on a green chalkboard reads, “Sorry, we don’t want this war. Slavic brothers, you have been deceived, war is not good, don’t fight kids!!” On the other board, the message read “Let’s be friends!!!” while in the other classrooms. The message on the blackboard reads: “We are all Slavs. It’s not good for the brothers to use knives (each other).”

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A bomb found in a school in Novi BQ Village / Pictured by Natalia W. W.A.W.

WAW is listing damage to schools during the Russian occupation. “We had an interactive control panel that cost 100,000 hryvnia, which was stolen. Printers and lap computers are stolen, anything they can’t steal will destroy it and become unusable.”

However, Wawf believes that some messages from Russian soldiers express personal despair. Many of the messages expressed anti-war sentiments, and at least five called for friendship, such as “We all want to live,” with “live” highlighted in capital letters. and another message “We don’t understand what we are doing here.”

“I believe these statements show that they understand the disaster. Maybe they were waiting to die. But they also thought regarding the fact that They will be punished for their evil deeds. The writer seemed to want to live, have children, and do everything like a normal person. But I understand that following this they will not be able to return to normal life,” said Wawf.

“Putin is your president.”

In Zdvyzhivka Secondary School in the village of Zdvyzhivka Northwest of Kiev, the message reads: “Putin is your president, children study hard. Russia needs an educated citizen,” wrote on a blackboard with children’s drawings of the solar system. in the lower left corner

a school worker who do not want to be anonymous for fear of security A tripwire mine was found on the school grounds following Russian troops withdrew at the end of March. And during Russian control the school became the headquarters of a special purpose mobile unit. Special Police of the Russian Defense Forces

The village is located on the main road leading to Kiev from the north. And this school, like the other two above, almost all the equipment was stolen or destroyed as well.

“They hit the table. Destroys a kindergarten, breaks windows, steals smart boards and lap computers. The large LCD TV They can’t steal because it’s too big. So they shot and dropped them in the classroom,” said a school worker. But on the blackboard near the TV, a short message wrote, “Forgive us!”

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