Russian Schools Conducts Emergency Drills Nationwide for the First Time – Ministry of Education Announcement

2023-08-23 13:46:00

For the first time ever, all Russian schools will conduct emergency drills. This was reported in the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

“On August 29-30, for the first time, all-Russian exercises will be held, organized by the Russian Ministry of Education, the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, the National Guard and regional authorities, to work out a scenario of actions in case of a terrorist threat,” the message says. Ministry of Education of Russia. They added that the events will be held in schools, technical schools and colleges. Warning systems will also be checked and actions with operational services will be worked out.

Earlier it was reported that the guards of Russian schools and other educational organizations will be trained to repel armed attacks. The draft GOST “Ensuring the security of educational organizations” states that in connection with the emergence of new threats, including the risks of terrorist attacks, it became necessary to update the content of the document.

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