Russian media says Ukraine fires on Luhansk region, U.S. stock futures fall, crude oil rises quickly – Wall Street News

author: Wall Street News

2022-02-17 14:37

On the morning of February 17, Beijing time, the Russian Satellite News Agency reported that the Ukrainian armed forces fired mortar shells and grenades at four settlements in the Luhansk region.

The news stimulated US stock futures to fall, the dollar rose due to risk aversion, and crude oil prices rose; European stock futures fell; A-share military stocks rose short-term; Hong Kong gold stocks rose.

The above-mentioned media specifically mentioned that Ukraine carried out five attacks on the territory of the Luhansk People’s Republic, including the use of mortars banned by the Minsk agreement.

Officials of the representative office stated that since 5:30 Moscow time (10:30 Beijing time) on February 17, the Ukrainian armed forces used mortars, rocket launchers and large-caliber machine guns to target the territory of the “Luhansk People’s Republic”. Four fires were fired, with mortar fire at 5:57 Moscow time (10:57 Beijing time), which lasted 15 minutes.

Local sources said that after a militiaman was shot dead by a Ukrainian sniper, the People’s Police of the Luhansk People’s Republic opened fire on Ukrainian army positions.

But Ukraine has denied shelling of separatist positions in eastern Ukraine, reported.

Since the beginning of this year, fighting has continued in Eastern Ukraine.

On January 12, 2022, according to the statement of the Donetsk Militia News Agency quoted by the Russian “Izvestia”, from January 10, the Ukrainian army frequently shelled the Donbass, and in just 24 hours, 7 shells were fired. Second-rate.

The Global Times mentioned that the Donbas region spans two Ukrainian states: the central and northern parts of Donetsk Oblast and the southern part of Luhansk Oblast, covering an area of ​​about 60,000 square kilometers.According to statistics, Russian-speaking native speakers in the Donbas region account for the majority of the local population, and the Russian population accounts for about 40%.

In April 2014, there were bloody clashes between civilian armed forces in Donetsk and Luhansk regions and Ukrainian government forces, and the civilian armed forces subsequently announced the establishment of the “Donetsk People’s Republic” and “Luhansk People’s Republic”.Through the mediation of the international community, the two parties to the conflict reached a ceasefire agreement in Minsk, the capital of Belarus, in September 2014 and February 2015 respectively. Since then, large-scale armed conflicts have been brought under control, but small-scale exchanges of fire have occurred from time to time.

The “National Humanities History” magazine under the People’s Daily once introduced that the two places have rich coal resources. Kharkiv is Ukraine’s second largest city and the center of eastern Ukraine, as well as Ukraine’s heavy industry, culture and education center. Donetsk and Luhansk declared independence and fell to Russia, which is unacceptable to Ukraine. The independence of the two places puts Ukraine’s rule in Kharkiv at risk, and Crimea in the south has joined in 2014. Russia, the situation in this region is even more dangerous.

When the conflict in eastern Ukraine escalated, the Russian State Duma (the lower house of the Russian parliament) passed a draft resolution on Donbass.

According to the Global Times, on February 15, the Russian State Duma voted to pass a draft resolution,Call on President Vladimir Putin to recognize the self-established “Donetsk People’s Republic” and “Luhansk People’s Republic” in the Donbas region of eastern Ukraine.

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Russia’s “Izvestia” reported on the 16th that the draft resolution received 351 votes in favor, 16 against, and one abstention. In the draft resolution, the lawmakers asked Putin to consider recognizing the independence of the “Donetsk People’s Republic” and “Luhansk People’s Republic” and to hold talks with the leaders of the two “republics” as soon as possible in order to help Russia and the two “republics”. Republic” establishes the legal basis for the relationship. The draft resolution was submitted to the State Duma by the Communist Party of the Russian Federation on January 19. One of the drafters of the draft, Kalashnikov, a member of the Russian State Duma, said,The adoption of the draft resolution does not mean that Russia has recognized the two “republics” in the Donbas region, but merely proposes to Putin, and Putin himself decides whether to recognize it or not.

The Ukrainian government’s stance on Russia also tends to be tough.Demanded that Russia stop supporting the civilian armed forces in the Donbas region.Russia has been following the situation in the Donbas region. Putin signed a decree in April 2019 to simplify procedures for local residents to obtain Russian passports. According to the Russian weekly “Arguments and Facts”, as of the beginning of 2021, 860,000 residents of the Donbas region have obtained Russian passports in this way.

Stimulated by the news of the fire, the dollar index jumped more than 20 points in the short-term, standing at the 96 mark. U.S. stock futures fell rapidly, with Nasdaq futures falling rapidly to 1%.

International oil prices rose in the short-term. As of press time, the decline in Brent oil narrowed to 0.46%, at $94.37.

The yield on the 10-year U.S. Treasury note fell below 2%.

Hong Kong stocks and A-share markets also reacted. Hong Kong gold stocks rose, Zijin Mining and Zhaojin Mining rose more than 3%, and China Gold International rose 1.54%. A-share military stocks rose in the short-term, and Guanxiang Technology, Chenxi Airlines, AVIC Shenfei, and Triangle Defense collectively surged.

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