“Thousands of civilians were injured as a result of the brutal attack by the Ukrainian Armed Forces on Kursk,” Moskalkova wrote on Telegram on Sunday. “I have sent a letter to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights demanding that she condemn the terrorism practiced by Ukraine and take the necessary measures to prevent the occurrence of gross mass violations of human rights.”
The Kursk Human Rights Commissioner’s Office is working together with the authorities in temporary accommodation centres where displaced people have arrived in the province, Miscalkova said.
“I hope that our information will also be included in the report of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on human rights violations, which, as we know, is being prepared for release next September,” she added.
Earlier, Elizabeth Throssell, spokeswoman for the UN Human Rights Office, said that in September the issue of the Ukrainian attack on Kursk will be included in a report containing information on possible human rights violations during the Ukrainian conflict.
Coinciding with Moskalkova’s statement, the acting governor of Kursk region, Alexei Smirnov, announced that 13 people were injured, two of them in serious condition, as a result of a Ukrainian missile falling after being intercepted, on a residential building in Kursk at dawn on Sunday.
Russian authorities reported on Saturday that about 76,000 people had been evacuated from the border areas of Kursk that were affected or threatened by the Ukrainian attack.
Source: RT
#Russian #Human #Rights #Commissioner #Calls #Condemn #Ukrainian #Attack #Kursk
2024-08-12 06:11:44