Russian government delivers humanitarian aid to Kharkiv, province of Ukraine | News

The Russian Defense Ministry reported Tuesday in a statement that the Ukrainian city of Kharkov received about 120 tons of humanitarian aid from Moscow.


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According to the ministry, a convoy of trucks escorted by the Russian military sent food, bottled water, medicine and other goods to Ukrainian territory.

Regarding logistics, the Ministry explained that the shipment was distributed among the inhabitants of the different cities of the province located in eastern Ukraine, prioritizing women, children and the elderly.

Regarding other actions to protect civilians, the Russian government also declared a temporary ceasefire to open a series of humanitarian corridors, which allow the evacuation of civilians from Ukrainian cities such as Kiev (the capital), Chernigov, Kharkiv, Mariupol and Sumi.

After the Ukrainian refusal on Monday, Moscow authorities detailed that some corridors will pass through Belarusian territory before entering Russia, such as Chernigov and Kiev, while from Sumy there would be two routes, one to Russia and the other to Poltava.

With regard to Kharkiv, two routes would be opened, one to Russia and one to Lviv, as well as the one from Mariupol that would go to Russia and Zaporizhia.

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