Russian general praises Chinese drones for helping Russian army DJI speak out | Ukraine | DJI Innovation | Quadcopter

[The Epoch Times, August 14, 2022](Reported by The Epoch Times reporter Li Jing)RussiaInvadeUkraineOn the occasion, a Russian general recently issued a document praising Chinese-made businessquadcopterBring a revolution to the Russian artillery and speak highly of ChinaDJIMade by the company (DJI)dronerole in modern warfare. In this regard, DJI hastily issued a statement to clear the relationship.

On August 12, according toRussiaThe satellite news agency reported that the foreword to the new book “Other People’s Wars: New Models” published by the Russian Center for Strategic and Technical Research on August 10 by the former Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Army General Yuri Nikolaevich Baluyevsky China praises ordinary business made in ChinaquadcopterCompletely solved the Russian army’s “artillery reconnaissance, target designation and fire correction problems”.

At the same time, General Baluyevsky praised ChinaDJIMavic quadcopter made by the companydronerole in modern warfare.

The official Weibo of the Russian Embassy in China reposted the above-mentioned ITAR report on the 12th, emphasizing once again that Chinese-made drones have brought a real revolution to the application of traditional barrel guns and rocket launchers in the Russian army, and praised DJI. The manufactured Mavic quadrotor drone has in principle become a true symbol of modern warfare.

(webpage Screenshot)

DJI products have been highly praised by the Russian embassy in China and the Russian military, which has aroused the attention and heated discussion of Chinese netizens.

Some netizens said that Russia is flattering and dragging China into the water? For the sake of China, the Russian side can not mention this matter. What do you want to do? Do you want Europe and the United States to block DJI? Or do you want to impose further sanctions on China?

Compared with the enthusiasm of netizens, the CCP official’s high evaluation of “Made in China” to the outside world this time has been quiet.

DJI’s official Weibo post on the 13th emphasized that “all DJI products are designed for civilian use” and that “all military applications are not supported.”

According to public data, as of October 2020, DJI products accounted for more than 80% of the global market share. The company has a variety of models of drones, and low-altitude consumer products are common in the market, with a battery life of about 30 minutes.

Although DJI emphasized that all its products “do not support applications in the military field” and announced the suspension on April 27UkraineDoing business with Russia, but the company was controversial during the Russian-Ukrainian war.

After Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24 this year, some Twitter users quoted Ukrainian media sources as saying that the AeroScope platform function owned by Ukraine was shut down without warning, but the Russian side was not restricted. The Ukrainian side believes that DJI is secretly supporting Russia. On the same day, DJI denied it on Twitter.

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Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Mikhailo Fedorov tweeted his open letter to DJI on March 16, saying that AeroScope has the ability to detect the location of drone operators, which led to “Russia’s use of DJI products to Provide guidance for missiles”, and DJI has turned off the AeroScope function in Ukraine, but Russia can continue to use this function, and called on DJI to stop communicating with Russia and stop providing Russia with all DJI drones operating in Ukraine. data, and shut down drones in Ukraine other than Ukrainian users. The next day, DJI denied it again.

According to the 2017 report of the Chinese Ministry of National Defense obtained by The Epoch Times“Proposal for Pre-Research and Industrialization Demonstration Project of Military-Civil Integration Equipment”It shows that although DJI UAVs occupy most of the world’s small UAV market, the long-endurance UAVs used in the battlefield are the focus of the CCP’s military-civilian integration. However, it is difficult for the outside world to believe China’s claims.

As the then U.S. President Trump (Trump) administration intensified its crackdown on the Chinese Communist Party’s theft of technology and military-civilian integration, by the end of 2020, the major research and development units of Chinese military drones had been included in the U.S. prohibition list.

In August 2017, the U.S. Army Laboratory and the U.S. Navy found that DJI drones had “operational risks” (collecting sensitive data such as geographic information, audio and video), and asked the U.S. military to stop and remove DJI equipment, remove batteries, and storage media.

In May 2019, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security said it had strong concerns about the security of data collected by DJI drones. In the same year, the U.S. government banned U.S. federal agencies from purchasing drones made in countries identified as “security threats,” and banned the use of federal funds to purchase DJI drones due to concerns over sensitive data leakage and data security.

In December 2020, the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) officially added the Chinese drone company “DJI” to its sanctions blacklist (entity list). In 2018, ZTE was put into a state of cessation of production.

Responsible editor: Sun Yun#

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