Russian Foreign Minister Answers Question About ‘Putin’s Support for Harris’

In response to the presenter’s question, “Was President Putin joking when he said he supported Kamala Harris’s victory?” Lavrov said in an interview with Sky News Arabia: “You yourself said that Russian President Vladimir Putin was joking, and he has a sense of humor. He often resorts to jokes during his speeches and interviews.”

“We do not see any difference in the current election campaign or in the upcoming election campaigns in the United States for a long time, because the notorious deep states are the ones who are active there. This is a system. US President Joe Biden is in a health and physical condition that has prevented him from leading the country for a long time, but the state is turning these gears and continuing the military campaign at the hands of the Kiev regime, and in other parts of the world it continues to obstruct any resolutions in the UN Security Council calling for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. That is, the machine is working, and it is programmed to never get a competitor who can threaten US hegemony,” he added, speaking about “the impact of the Russian-American relationship on the person of the next American president.”

“Now they are presenting China as the main threat to them and they have already adopted a large number of sanctions against China, of course not as large as those imposed on Russia, but they have started to block the channels of access of advanced technology to China in order to hinder the development of this sector in China, but the latter will certainly produce these technologies independently, only this process may take a little longer,” he continued.

“What they are doing now with Chinese exports, I mean electric cars, their batteries and other goods, they are imposing 100% tariffs, including in Europe, and Ursula von der Leyen (President of the European Commission), when Xi Jinping (Chinese President) was visiting France, she came to Paris and said: Yes, we are imposing 100% tariffs on Chinese cars because they are cheap. So where is the fair competition that the West was promoting as the main principle of the immunity of private property and many others, all of that is a thing of the past.”

Lavrov stressed that “we do not build castles of illusion regarding any US president. President Trump, when he was in power during the four years he met several times with President Putin, and he personally received me twice in the White House and he was very friendly and nice. However, during Trump’s rule, US sanctions continued to be imposed on Russia, and they were severe sanctions. Therefore, we concluded that we must rely only on ourselves and will never rely in our future history on the hope or illusion that a good person will come to the White House or to any European capital and fix everything with us.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin had sarcastically said that Russia was supporting Democratic candidate Kamala Harris in the US presidential election after incumbent President Joe Biden was excluded from the electoral race.

Source: Sky News

#Russian #Foreign #Minister #Answers #Question #Putins #Support #Harris
2024-09-21 06:52:24



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