2023-11-09 07:01:00
Three Russian banks BZhF Bank, RRRR and Fora-Bank reported that they were hacked by hackers. Unknown people reported freezing customer deposits, reports the Baza telegram channel. Earlier, the publication reported that banks themselves suspended operations on accounts.
“Information regarding the suspension of deposit payments in three banks may turn out to be a hack. The news regarding the frozen payments has already been deleted on two sites – the official pages of the banks, apparently, were hacked by unknown hackers,” reports Baza. BZhF-Bank confirmed that the site was hacked. The news regarding the freezing of accounts has now been removed from the RRDB bank website.
Earlier, a statement appeared on bank websites that customer accounts exceeding 1 million 400 thousand rubles would be transferred to government loan bonds. And payments for smaller amounts on accounts will be suspended until the freezing measures are lifted.
#Hackers #hacked #banks #BZhF #Bank #RRRR #ForaBank