Russia will take retaliatory measures if the EU applies new sanctions

Russia sanctions

Russia will take retaliatory measures in case the European Union adopts a fifth package of sanctions against the country on Wednesday for its military offensive in Ukraine, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexandr Grushko said on Tuesday.

“Of course we are going to take retaliatory measures, we will develop appropriate measures to protect our legitimate interests in the economic sphere and other areas,” the diplomat told the Interfax agency.

The EU is moving towards the approval of more sanctions on Russia for its military campaign in Ukraine, with the ban on Russian coal imports being the most prominent measure.

The new sanctions will be discussed by the EU ambassadors this Wednesday with a view to reaching a unanimous agreement among the 27 member states, which they told the Eph European sources could be ready for publication on Thursday in the Community ‘Official Journal’, if no one raises objections.

In addition to cutting the import of coal, which would be the EU’s first attack on Russian energy, the fifth package of restrictions prohibits transactions with four Russian banks, as well as the cessation of certain European exports of technology, wood, seafood or spirits. .

Brussels also wants to prevent Russian ships and Russian-operated vessels from accessing EU ports, with “certain exemptions” on agricultural and food products, humanitarian aid and energy.

In addition, in this transport chapter, the proposal includes a ban on Russian and Belarusian road operators.

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