Russia will retaliate strongly if it attacks Ukraine: Biden

U.S. President Joe Biden has argued that there is a potential for Russia-Ukraine conflict. No attempt is made for a direct confrontation with Russia. But Joe Biden said he would retaliate if he attacked Ukraine or American citizens in Ukraine. But Biden said the United States has no enmity with the Russian people, does not promote them, and has no plans to destabilize Russia.

Neither the United States nor NATO countries have missiles in Ukraine. There are no plans to send missiles. He said he had not checked reports that Russia had withdrawn some troops from the Ukrainian border. President Joe Biden has called on Russia to withdraw from the war. Biden said the United States and NATO allies are ready for whatever happens.

But Russian President Vladimir Putin has said he is ready to resolve the conflict with Ukraine. Putin also said that Western countries should pay attention to Russia’s needs.

Germany’s compromise on Ukraine-Russia conflict is progressing. German Chancellor Olaf Scholes meets with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow. Scholes supported the Russian position that problems could be solved without war. He added that diplomatic possibilities exist. Russia’s president has said the United States should immediately withdraw from announcing that it will join NATO countries in Eastern Europe, including Ukraine.

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