On June 28, the Italian-Russian citizen Stefano Guidotti, manager of a company of the Siad group, still in Russia, was attacked as he was leaving his home in Moscow, loaded into a car and held captive for several hours. The compatriot – according to what Adnkronos learned from diplomatic sources – was freed on June 29 following an intervention by the local police forces and was found in good health.
The embassy and the general consulate in Moscow, informed on June 28 by the wife of the compatriot, have followed the matter with the utmost attention from the very beginning, maintaining constant contact with the Russian police forces and the top management of the company in Italy, as well as with the family members of the compatriot and Guidotti himself upon his release, to provide them with all necessary assistance. The investigations are still ongoing and, at the moment, the most accredited theory is that of kidnapping for extortion purposes. According to the Telegram channel Mash, a spin-off of Life.ru, a news site considered close to the security forces, the manager was found in the Bryansk region, a few kilometers from the border with Ukraine. Also according to Mash, three alleged kidnappers have been arrested, identified only as Ali Z., 22 years old, Nadir, A. and Zalumkhan I. Siad is a company based in Bergamo specialized in natural gas treatment and liquefaction plants.
#Russia #Stefano #Guidotti #released #ItalianRussian #manager #kidnapped #Tempo
2024-07-02 23:52:47