Russia, Rai reporter risks trial. Italian ambassador summoned –

A reportage made for Tg1 in the Russian region of Kursk could lead to criminal proceedings in Russia against Rai journalist Stefania Battistini and cameraman Simone Traini who reported the arrival of war in the territory recently attacked – and partly controlled – by Ukrainian troops. According to the Telegram channel Baza, Moscow intends to proceed under Article 322 of the Russian Criminal Code, or for “Illegal crossing of the state border”. The Italian ambassador to Moscow, Cecilia Piccioni, was summoned to the Russian Foreign Ministry and “strong protest was expressed to her in relation to the actions of the Rai crew” who “illegally entered the territory of the Russian Federation”. The Russian Foreign Ministry speaks of a “serious violation of Russian legislation and elementary rules of journalistic ethics”. “The actions committed by Italian citizens fall under the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The competent Russian authorities are taking the necessary steps to ascertain the circumstances of the crime committed by Rai employees, for the purposes of their legal assessment and the adoption of appropriate measures”, explains Mosca. According to sources from the Farnesina, Piccioni explained that Rai and in particular the editorial staff plan their activity in a totally autonomous and independent manner, adding that the diplomatic network has the task of following and protecting Italian citizens in every situation. During the report on Sudzha, a city in Kursk that the Ukrainians have announced they will control, damaged equipment near the border was shown and the two reporters – continues Baza – spoke with local residents who remained in the city. The Farnesina and the Italian embassy in Moscow, according to sources consulted by LaPresse, are carrying out the appropriate checks but, at the moment, there is no feedback from the Russian authorities regarding the possible opening of proceedings against Battisini and Traini who are now in Ukraine.

In the meantime, trade unions and politicians have sided with the two Rai reporters. Usigrai and Fnsi, in a joint statement, recalled that “journalism is not a crime” and defined the idea of ​​”putting Battistini and Traini on trial” as “unacceptable”. “Telling about wars is always difficult and subject to the most varied forms of conditioning – the two unions underlined – Threatening those who provide information with criminal proceedings is one of these”. Unirai, for its part, expressed “firm condemnation of those who seek to jeopardize freedom of information and the safety of journalists”. The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), in addition to condemning the possible criminal proceedings, also emphasized the “extremely serious” fact that “death threats against Stefania have appeared on some Italian social networks”. The journalist thanks those who support her on social media: “I really wanted to thank those who are sending me messages of support in these hours. I have appreciated the very serious work of many of you in analysis and fact-checking for two and a half years now. Thank you so much”. The parties also showed solidarity. Mariastella Gelmini, senator and spokesperson for Azione, praised the “professionalism and courage” of the correspondents, urging the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to carry out “the necessary checks, to protect the two journalists and, more generally, freedom of information”. The deputy of +Europa Benedetto Della Vedova accused the “Putin regime” of wanting to “intimidate foreign journalists, war correspondents, for the very fact of reporting the facts”. Enrico Borghi, leader of Italia Viva in the Senate, spoke of a “true world in reverse” in which “a distinguished exercise of journalism in the field and an (increasingly rare) example of true public service become a reason for threats, mockery and intimidation”. The president of the Rai Supervisory Commission, Barbara Floridia (M5S) expressed solidarity with the journalists and underlined that “the press has not only the right but also the duty to document what happens in that territory as well as in others where access to journalists is totally precluded”.

#Russia #Rai #reporter #risks #trial #Italian #ambassador #summoned #Tempo
2024-08-19 03:14:53



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