Russia has started a campaign to administer the corona vaccine to the public after inoculating the soldiers

Russia has started a campaign to administer the corona vaccine to the public after inoculating the soldiers

After injecting thousands of soldiers with the locally produced corona vaccine, Russia has announced a mass public vaccination campaign.

According to the Russian media, the Deputy Prime Minister Tatiana Golikova says that next weekend, a campaign is being started in Russia and all its regions to give the people a large-scale vaccination against Corona.

He said that this campaign has already been started in the capital Moscow, in which thousands of soldiers have been vaccinated so far.

On the instructions of President Vladimir Putin, the regional authorities of Russia and all its regions have been asked to complete the arrangements for the free corona vaccination campaign to the public.

This vaccination campaign is being done at a time when the Corona situation in Russia is getting serious. During the last 24 hours, nearly 30 thousand Corona cases were reported while more than 500 deaths occurred.

In such a situation, the health workers who administer the corona vaccine are at high risk, that is why the government has decided that priority will be given to the medical staff, security forces and social workers to be vaccinated first.

Russia has announced the launch of its second coronavirus vaccine ‘Epivac Corona’ in December. Another Russian corona vaccine, Epivac Corona, will be available to the public next month after Sputnik V’s third phase clinical trials are completed.

It is hoped that this vaccination on a large scale will begin in the new year 2021.

According to media reports, the new vaccine (EpiVacCorona) developed by the Vector Center based in Siberia is now fully prepared to present the results of the vaccine testing, which will be published in an international journal.

The head of the zoonotic infection and influenza department of the research institute said that this vaccine will be available in almost all regions of Russia in 2021.

It should be noted that after the registration of Epivac Corona vaccine on November 17, its third phase trials have been started, batches of the vaccine formula for the trials have been delivered to 9 medical centers across the country, where 30 thousand volunteers have been tested on it. is being tested.

Reports indicate that 150 people over the age of 60 are also participating in phase III clinical trials.

#Russia #started #campaign #administer #corona #vaccine #public #inoculating #soldiers
2024-09-29 23:23:11



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