Marina Ovsyanikova raised an anti-war poster behind the newscaster during a channel program. The employee appeared with the poster with slogan calls. Ukrainian President Marina Ovsyanikova was congratulated on the occasion. The girl later went missing.
The UN says one child is becoming a refugee every second in Ukraine
‘Do not believe in slander. Stop the war. No war. ‘ The poster had slogans such as: At present, Russia is reportedly only allowed to provide pro-government news.
The anti-war protests took place during a program on the Russian government – owned Channel One. The evening news was broadcast on the channel. The Human Rights Reserve is alleged that the woman was arrested and does not know what happened to them and later know what happened to them.
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Meanwhile, the United Nations says one child is becoming a refugee every second in Ukraine following the Russian aggression. The United Nations says 1.4 million children in Ukraine have been displaced since the February 24 attacks. Three million people have fled Ukraine, according to figures released by the International Organization for Migration on Tuesday. It is estimated that regarding half of them are children.
Every minute 55 children become refugees in Ukraine. That is, one person per second. UNICEF spokesman James Elder said the crisis was rare following World War II.
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