Russia: “Bombing of train stations is a target for military trains”… Putin signs military expansion


News of the invasion of Ukraine.

A military train was the target of the bombing of a railway station in a small town in eastern Ukraine that killed 25 people, including an 11-year-old child, the Russian Defense Ministry said.

Entering the seventh month of the war, Russian President Putin signed a presidential decree to increase the military force from 1.10 million to 1.15 million.

Reporter Jung Ji-joo on the sidewalk.


A quiet town with a population of 3,500 has been turned into ruins.

Residents cleaning up the rubble are still terrified as they remember the bombing.

[채플린 주민 : “폭발 당시, 우리는 여기에 서 있었어요. 땅바닥에 떨어져서 살아남았어요. 그리고 벽 사이에 서 있었습니다. 폭발은 모든 것을 날려버렸어요. 유리도 모두 깨졌어요.”]

On the 24th local time, on Ukraine’s Independence Day and the 6th month of the war, Russia bombarded a train station and residential area in Chaplin, a small town in eastern Ukraine.

An 11-year-old child was killed in the destruction of a house, and a train burned down, killing 25 people and injuring dozens, Ukrainian officials said.

In response, Russia claimed the attack was aimed at military trains, not civilians.

[이고리 코나셴코프/러시아 국방부 대변인 : “우크라이나 군용 열차를 이스칸데르 미사일이 직격했습니다. 돈바스 전선으로 향하던 우크라이나 예비군 200여 명이 숨지고 군용 장비 10개가 파괴됐습니다.”]

Russia has never acknowledged responsibility for civilian sacrifices after the invasion of Ukraine.

Hours before the attack, they claimed that they were only hitting targets related to the Ukrainian military with precision, and that they were willing to slow down their operations to minimize civilian casualties.

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Meanwhile, the Russian army is concentrating on the southern and eastern fronts after failing to occupy Kiiu at the beginning of the war, but is struggling with no results.

They said that the operation was being disrupted due to low morale and fatigue.

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a presidential decree to increase the military force from the current 1.10 million to 1.15 million.

The amended Presidential Decree will come into effect on January 1, next year.

Meanwhile, the Pentagon recently estimated the casualties of Russian troops at 80,000, and the Ukrainian military also announced that 45,400 Russians were killed.

Stop KBS news.

Video Editing: Eui-Jeong Yang / Graphics: Hyun-Seok Kim / Research: Na-Young Kwon

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