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Intelligence Sources: Iran Will Soon Supply Russia with Hundreds of Ballistic Missiles

Two European intelligence sources informed Reuters that dozens of Russian military personnel are being trained in Iran to operate the Fateh-360 short-range ballistic missile system. They also indicated that Iran is expected to supply Russia with hundreds of satellite-guided weapons soon for its ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

The intelligence officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, mentioned that representatives from the Russian Defense Ministry are believed to have signed a contract in Tehran on December 13 with Iranian officials to acquire both the Fateh-360 and another ballistic missile system, the Ababil, produced by Iran’s state-owned Aviation Industries Organization.

According to these officials, based on multiple confidential intelligence reports, Russian military personnel traveled to Iran to learn how to operate the Fateh-360 air defense system, which can fire missiles with a maximum range of 120 kilometers and carry warheads weighing 150 kilograms.

One official stated that the “only logical next step” following this training could be the actual delivery of missiles to Russia.

A military expert noted that while Moscow already possesses ballistic missiles, the addition of Fateh-360 missiles could enable Russia to utilize more of its arsenal to target locations behind the front lines, as well as leverage Iranian warheads against short-range targets.

A spokesman for the US National Security Council declared that the United States, along with its NATO allies and G7 partners, “is prepared to respond swiftly and decisively should Iran proceed with these transfers.”

“This would signify a serious escalation in Iran’s backing of Russia’s aggressive war against Ukraine,” the spokesman added. “The White House has been cautioning against a deepening military partnership between Russia and Iran since the outset of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine.”

The Russian Defense Ministry has not yet responded to requests for comments.

Iran’s permanent mission to the United Nations in New York stated in a release that Iran has established a long-term strategic partnership with Russia across various sectors, including military collaboration.

The release further noted: “However, from an ethical standpoint, Iran refrains from transferring any arms that could be utilized in the conflict against Ukraine until it concludes, including missiles.”

The White House has declined to verify whether Iran is training Russian military personnel on Fateh-360 missiles or if it is set to ship arms to Russia for use against Ukraine.

The two intelligence sources did not specify a timeline for the anticipated delivery of Fateh-360 missiles to Russia, though they indicated that it would occur soon. They also did not provide any details regarding the status of the contract for the Ababil missiles.

A third source from a different European intelligence agency reported that it had also gathered information indicating that Russia had sent troops to Iran for training on Iranian ballistic missile systems, without offering additional specifics.

A spokesperson for the British government expressed significant concern regarding reports of Russian military training in Iran, stating: “Iran must not move forward” with the transfer of ballistic missiles.

Intelligence Sources: Iran to Supply Russia with Hundreds of Ballistic Missiles Soon

Recent reports reveal alarming intelligence regarding Iran’s military partnership with Russia amid the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. Two European intelligence sources disclosed to Reuters that numerous Russian military personnel are undergoing training in Iran focused on the Fateh-360 short-range ballistic missile system. They anticipate that Iran will soon provide Russia with hundreds of satellite-guided weaponry for its operational needs in Ukraine.

Details of the Strategic Partnership

The sources, who wished to remain anonymous, indicated that representatives from the Russian Defense Ministry reportedly signed a contract on December 13 in Tehran to procure the Fateh-360 system and the Ababil missile—a product of Iran’s state-owned Aviation Industries Organization. This deal is seen as a significant escalation in military cooperation between these two countries.

Training on the Fateh-360 System

According to the officials, Russian military personnel have traveled to Iran to receive crucial training on the Fateh-360 air defense system. This system is capable of launching missiles with a maximum range of 120 kilometers and is equipped with 150-kilogram warheads, enhancing Russia’s capabilities to strike deeper behind enemy lines.

  • Missile Range: 120 kilometers
  • Warhead Weight: 150 kilograms
  • Focus of Training: Operation and deployment of the Fateh-360

Potential Impact on the Conflict in Ukraine

A military expert weighed in on the implications of this development, stating that while Russia currently possesses various ballistic missiles, the addition of the Fateh-360 could radically alter military strategies. The enhanced operational range could allow Russia to utilize a greater portion of its missile arsenal for precision strikes against Ukrainian targets far behind the front lines.

The Response from Global Powers

In response to the intelligence revelations, a spokesperson from the US National Security Council articulated concerns regarding this looming transfer of military supplies. The spokesperson emphasized that the United States, alongside its NATO allies and G7 partners, stands ready to act decisively if Iran proceeds with these weapon transfers. They labeled the expected deliveries as a “serious escalation” in Iran’s support for Russia’s military actions in Ukraine.

The White House has consistently cautioned against the deepening military ties between Russia and Iran since the onset of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. A spokesperson reiterated that such actions would hinder efforts for peace in the region and exacerbate the ongoing conflict.

Iran’s Official Stance

The Iranian government, through its permanent mission to the United Nations, has issued statements asserting its long-term strategic partnership with Russia across various domains, including military cooperation. However, they maintain that Iran will not supply weapons that could be used in the Ukraine conflict until hostilities cease.

Contradictions in Iranian Statements

Despite Iran’s claims of moral restraint, reports such as those from European intelligence agencies suggest discrepancies. The ongoing training of Russian personnel in Iranian military technology raises questions about the genuineness of Iran’s stated intentions.

Calls for Restraint from the UK

In light of these developments, a British government spokesperson conveyed strong apprehensions regarding the outcomes of military training between Russian and Iranian forces. The spokesperson insisted that “Iran must not proceed” with any plans to transfer ballistic missiles to Russia.

Anticipated Deliveries of Missiles

While no specific timeline has been provided for the Falcon-360 missile deliveries, intelligence sources confirm that the process is expected to unfold imminently. Furthermore, information from a third European intelligence agency corroborated earlier findings, stating that Russia has dispatched soldiers to Iran for further training on various Iranian missile systems, indicating a robust and ongoing military partnership.

Overview of Missile Systems Involved

Missile System Manufacturer Range (km) Warhead Weight (kg)
Fateh-360 Iran Aviation Industries Organization 120 150
Ababil Iran Aviation Industries Organization Details Unspecified Details Unspecified


The recent developments surrounding Iran’s potential missile supply to Russia have raised significant concerns among global powers. The capability enhancements provided by the Fateh-360 and Ababil missile systems could drastically affect military dynamics in Ukraine. As the situation remains fluid, the international community is closely monitoring these developments, with diplomatic and military responses being weighed against the backdrop of an evolving geopolitical landscape.



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