Russia and Ukraine | Zelensky: “The attack on the Zaporizhia nuclear plant could have been like six Chernobyls”

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  • BBC News World

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Zelensky called the nuclear plant attack an act of “terrorism.”

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said on Friday that the Russian attack on the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant, the largest in Europe, could have caused destruction equivalent to “six Chernobyls”.

Russian forces took control of the plant, located in southeastern Ukraine, on Friday after attacking it and thereby causing a fire that was already put out.

After the initial concern about the potential damage from the fire, the plant authorities assured that the nuclear safety of the plant is guaranteed.

The announcement was followed by the president’s televised speech, who warned that Ukraine survived “the night that could have stopped the course of history: the history of Ukraine, the history of Europe.”

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