Russia and Ukraine: Russians control the Zaporizhia nuclear plant and Zelensky accuses Moscow of “nuclear terrorism”

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The Ukrainian Nuclear Site Inspection Agency announced Friday that it had not detected any radiation leak from the Zaporizhia nuclear facility in the south of the country, which was subjected to Russian strikes during the night. The official body said that “no changes in the radiological situation were recorded.”

The Ukrainian authorities announced that a fire broke out at the Zaporizhia station as a result of Russian bombing. Ukraine’s Nuclear Site Inspection Agency said Russian forces had taken control of the territory of the facility in the south of the country.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky accused Moscow on Friday of resorting to what he described as “nuclear terrorism” and of wanting to “repeat” the Chernobyl disaster.

“No country except Russia has fired at nuclear power units. This is the first time in our history, in the history of mankind, that a terrorist country has now resorted to nuclear terrorism,” he said in a video message.

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