Russia and Ukraine blame each other for attack on Ukrainian prison, 40 dead

Russia and Ukraine blame each other for attack on Ukrainian prison, 40 dead

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29 Jul BBC The war in Ukraine reports that Russian forces fired six missiles from the Black Sea to attack troops in the city of Leutij. About 10 km north of Kiev, 15 people were injured, five of them civilians, on July 28 local time. This marks the return of the attack for the first time in weeks.

While Ukrainian forces intercepted a missile at the city of Worship. and said the Russian attack was revenge against Ukraine for taking a stand against Russia. and vows to retaliate in order to retake Kherson. South of Ukraine, also occupied by Russia.

The British Ministry of Defense said Ukraine uses new Western-supplied long-range missiles Damage to at least three bridges across the Dnieper River, which is the main route used by Russia to supply Russian troops.

same day The Russian Defense Ministry said Ukraine has used precision missiles to hit a prison camp controlled by pro-Russian separatists in Olenifka. Donetsk region east of Ukraine As a result, 40 Ukrainian prisoners of war were killed and 75 others were wounded.

However, the Ukrainian army denied the attack. He accused Russia of doing it and trying to conceal evidence of torture of Ukrainian prisoners of war by accusing Ukraine of war crimes.

Danil Bezzonov, spokesman for the Donetsk People’s Republic The Russian-backed attack said the attack directly targeted detention camps where prisoners were held. and the number of deaths could rise even further. while the Russian Defense Ministry stated that The attack came from a US-made high-mars artillery. and accused Ukraine of deliberately attacking and that eight prison officers were injured.

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Olexey Arestovic, an adviser to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, described Russia’s allegations as a “traditional and sophisticated flag-free operation.” The goal is to discredit Ukraine.

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