Rural Resource Development Must Provide Sustainable Benefits

Deputy Chairperson of the MPR RI, Lestari Moerdijat, while delivering the National Oration at the National Seminar on the theme of Sustainable Development of Local Wisdom Rural Resources, which was organized by the academic community of Jenderal Soedirman University, Purwokerto, East Java (Docpri)

RURAL resource development must be able to provide sustainable benefits and support inclusive development in Indonesia.

“How we prioritize local wisdom and protect the rights of indigenous peoples is the key to sustainable development collaboration involving rural communities,” said Deputy Chairperson of the MPR RI, Lestari Moerdijat, when delivering a National Oration at a National Seminar on the theme of Sustainable Local Wisdom Rural Resource Development, which was organized by the academic community of Jenderal Soedirman University, Purwokerto, Central Java, Tuesday (24/9).

According to Lestari, involving local communities in every development planning is a must.

This effort, emphasized Rerie, Lestari’s nickname, must be accompanied by strengthening the capacity of local resources through education and training of human resources, protection of local wisdom and the rights of indigenous peoples in the use of natural resources.

In addition, Rerie added, encouraging innovation and the use of technology, the realization of which cannot be separated from pentahelix cooperation involving academics, businesses, communities, government and the media, while still referring to the principles mandated by the constitution.

The 1945 Constitution, said Rerie, who is also a legislator from Electoral District II of Central Java, mandates that the earth, water and natural resources contained therein belong to the state and must be utilized as widely as possible for the benefit of the community.

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Furthermore, Rerie added, the 1945 Constitution also mandates the state to advance public welfare.

“Sustainable development is a real action to create long-term public welfare, one of which is the development of rural resources that focus on local wisdom,” said the member of the NasDem Party High Council.

The state, Rerie emphasized, is obliged to manage natural resources fairly, sustainably, and respect local wisdom and the rights of indigenous peoples.

In the framework of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, Rerie explained, mitigation of climate change that affects the process of developing rural resources must be based on the unity of all elements of the nation to protect the earth and life. (Z-2)

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